Wow Addiction

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A.N. This next scene takes place within the world most of you know as an MMORPG game called World Of Warcraft. Known affectionately by its worshipers as WOW! - Yes, I am one such afflicted.

If you've never played WOW, don't worry about it. Anything you don't understand doesn't really matter.

For my fellow WOW addicts, enjoy the references. And look me up!
[Naiteiru – 90 NE Resto Druid, Shadowmoon]
(Yes, I know I'm in the wrong realm for an alliance character. Especially for a PVP noob like me.)

It's actually been about a year since I've played, I'm trying out Guild Wars 2, but once you go WOW it never lets go.


Slipzibady - the Patient
90 Night Elf Balance Druid,  Shadowmoon

03:05:07 Naiteiru: So you've never even done onyx!?
03:05:21 Naiteiru: That's like old school classic!

Slipzibady NODS AT Naiteiru

03:06:12 Naiteiru: How long have you been playing?

03:06:57 Slipzibady: On again off again since Burning Crusade
03:07:09 Slipzibady: hard to stay into it if you don't know anyone else playing

03:08:15 Naiteiru: Since BC!
03:08:19 Naiteiru: Seriously?!

Slipzibady Blushes

03:09:12 Naiteiru: Well, damn man!

03:09:25 Naiteiru: I wanna say that's pathetic, but frankly I'm impressed you're still playing if your friends all quit playing on you

Naiteiru invites you to join Immortal Vision lvl 13 guild

03:10:15 Naiteiru: Join my guild
03:10:20 Naiteiru: We'll teach you how to play
03:10:34 Naiteiru: We have one guy Bait, he's like king of all things druid. He'll take care of you

03:11:24 Slipzibady: Really?!

Slipzibady Thanks Naiteru
"Thank you."

03:12:07 Naiteiru: Don't worry about it!
03:12:24 Naiteiru: I've been off since before Lich King cuz of some family stuff
03:12:28 Naiteiru: So I've got some catching up of my own to do

03:12:57 Naiteiru: Don't worry
03:13:15 Naiteiru: this guild is great
03:13:23 Naiteiru: you'll love them
03:13:33 Naiteiru: and seriously, talk to Bait
03:13:42 Naiteiru: he'll hook you up AND teach you how to use it lol

Slipzibady Thanks Naiteiru
"You have my thanks."

 03:14:24 Slipzibady: Seriously THANK YOU!

03:14:47 Naiteiru: NP TTYL



I logged out smiling. It was a rare occurrence for me to make a friend on World of Warcraft. I was looking forward to actually using vent in game. Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games are always more fun when you had actual people to talk to. And this Naiteru seemed really cool. I was happy to have made a new friend. Maybe one day I'd actually meet them in person.



It had been awhile since I'd last played. I was happy to have made friends and joined an active guild so quickly. It was nice. If we played together long enough maybe I'd initiate a skype conference call or something to meet them all 'in person'. Who knows maybe one or two of them actually live nearby.

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