Down the Rabbit Hole of Love

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"Why the hell did you have to do that," I growled right into Kelsy's face. She was a big girl, she could handle it. Bridget couldn't, she was cowering behind the vice president of her little boyxboy love fan club. We were the center of attention, both of us ignoring the frazzled teacher trying to gain control of his unruly class.

"Oh, come on," she laughed at me, "don't say you didn't enjoy the way the little puppy threw himself into your arms. You and I both know better than that."

I snarled, she stared me down. She was one sassy bitch. She was also right, so it was lucky I never blushed or I'd have lost this argument already.

"Moron, he's never going to talk to me again."

"Not like he was talking to you before."


My eyes widened in shock at my own words. Yeah, I swore a lot, it's just how it comes out unless I'm being careful around kids. But I wasn't the type to profane others. I never called people names, not even when I was a little kid. So, why the hell was I starting now, with a friend, a girl.

Kelsy bent in half laughing at my expression of self-revulsion.

What the hell compelled me to say that?

"Go on, idiot," she laughed at me, making a shooing motion with her hand. I glared at her, but grabbed both our things and left anyway. Of course I found my little angel in the boy's bathroom. It probably never even occurred to him that the parking lot, with the cars and various athletic fields, was even closer. Nope, it never would have occurred to my innocent little Gabriel to leave the school during school hours. If there was ever a fire I'd probably have to run in and drag him out.

He wouldn't look at me, hiding his face in his hands as he turned away from me.

"Don't look at me," he shrieked at me through a sob. He gave an adorable hiccup followed by a noise of aggravation. At least there was a bit of antagonism to his whimpers now. It was better than fear or sorrow. Anger I could work with.

I wadded up a fistful of toilet paper and got it damp, handing to him as I made a dry one for him to finish cleaning himself off with. My mom had been like that when she cried. She got so embarrassed by the tears and snot covering her red blotchy face she'd kept crying even after the initial hurt had worked its way out of her. Dad would hold her hair back, looking the other way politely as he held the box of tissues for her until she got herself cleaned up. Strangely, after tear sessions like that mom had always felt better, more relaxed. As if the tears - and other things - had actually washed way whatever had originally distressed her. I didn't have tissues, so I made do, even holding back his silky raven bangs.

Clean, we flushed the soiled paper. Calm again, his inherent shyness returned. To my delight, when I went to comfort him, he crawled into my arms and buried his face in the collar of my shirt. I sat this way, blissfully unaware of time passing as I cradled his tiny body. I didn't even realize I was humming until he started laughing at me. me...perturbing...but...It was just so damn cute! I wondered if there was drool coming out of my big goofy smile, and promptly shook myself out of my haze...or at least I tried to. Gabriel sat back on his knees, wiping at his eyes as he laughed.

"Were you just humming what I thought you were just humming?"

"Nope," I answered proudly, enjoying his renewed bout of laughter.

"Come on, let's play hooky." He looked at me like I'd suggested deer to start chasing bears, upsetting the natural order. I chuckled, my heart melting.

Time to corrupt the sweet little innocent. I took his hand and led him out the double doors at the end of the hall to the big bad world outside. He clung to my shirt with one hand, eyes wide, searching all around us for school sentries.

I'll have to call it in or they're likely to send out search parties when the puppy doesn't show up to his next class.

I whipped out my phone.

"Yorkshire High attendance office, my name is Eleanor Vlasic how can I help you?"

"Hello, Mrs. Valsic, this is Micah Payne, I'm calling myself and Gabriel Arel out for the rest of the day. He's not feeling so well, so I'm going to take him home and put him to bed."

"Oh," she made a few attempts at different statements.

"Thanks so much," I said as sweet as sugar, and hung up on her.

"I'm not sick," Gabriel stomped his foot stubbornly, a gesture I'd actually seen real rabbits make when they got upset. It was adorable.

"And we're not going home." He blinked at me, confused.

Damn, he's cute! My heart melted just a bit more.

What the hell was I going to do on our wedding night? I wasn't going to rape him, but judging from how sheltered he seemed now I doubted our archangel had yet to so much as discover the pleasures of masturbating. The thought made me groan. Which made his head tilt to the side, curiously.

Did he do anything that wasn't completely enduring?

"Come on," I groaned, wrapping an arm around him again and heading for the car.

"Where are we going?" His brows were still furled like he was trying to piece together a puzzle everyone else seemed to have finished already.

"Where would you like to go," I asked softly, genuinely curious.


"Where would you like to go? The world is your oyster and all that, where would you like to go?"

"We're supposed to be in class," he frowned at me.

"Come on Gabriel, Carpe Diem." I opened the passenger side door for him, holding it open in offering. Whether he got in, whether we went somewhere or stayed home, it was up to him. He looked into my eyes for what seemed like an eternity condensed into a handful of moments. He got in. My heart soared inexplicably as I got into the driver's seat.

His every mannerism was beginning to speak to something soft and squishy inside me. I already loved him; maybe I was even 'in love' with him. I hoped so. I really could see myself with Gabriel, old and grey, wrinkled and worn with the passage of years, happiness and tears. If only he could love me back, I would love him forever, and likely would anyway, come any pain or sorrow. It was that soft, delicate kind of love. Not the flamboyant fireworks you read about in fairy tales, but the soft elusive tethers that god alone can affix between two people, now and forever. Or, at least, I so prayed it was.


Gya!!! Someone slap me I'm drowning in my own cheese!

Ideas for a quick, early afternoon romantic date, preferably not requiring any/little money. Since I'm not sure Micah's ego could take accepting an allowance from his father in law. (Even if he is working enough to earn it.)

I've never actually been on a proper date, so...I need help here peeps!

As always: Read > Vote > Comment > Follow > HELP!

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