~Chapter 1~

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Your eyes fluttered open to see the snow tipped trees reaching upwards all around you. Frost bit your skin aggressively. You were only dressed in a pair of shorts, a plain t-shirt and a lab coat. Hotlands was too hot for any more than that. A growl rolled off your lips as you sat up. "Snowdin? Seriously world... Shorts and snow don't mix..." You pouted.

Standing, you brushed the snow from your clothes and wrapped your lab coat around you as tightly as you could. You headed straight for the river, knowing the river guide could take you almost directly to Alphys's lab. As you approached, the guide turned towards you. "Tra la la... The man that speaks in hands in now a man again...." She/he hummed as you rode.

You raised a brow in curiosity and rolled your eyes. The old look had never really been your fancy. The ominous mumbo-jumbo contrasted violently from your usual logical and scientific ways of thinking. The most you allowed your mind to stray from fact was when watching anime with Alphys. At least that was enjoyable.

As you walked through the short distance from the boat to the lab, you noticed how the monsters looked at you. Normally, their gazes seemed kind and accepting, knowing you worked there and were working with Alphys toward a huge feat in science. However, now their eyes were cold. The monsters seemed either angry, vengeful or scared by your presence.

Deciding to ask Alphys about it, you shrugged it off and entered the lab. As I had become habit, you made a beeline for the underground lab and flashed your keycard. The door buzzed with a green light and opened for you. You pulled out you (F/C) phone and checked your messages to make sure you hadn't missed anything when you teleported. Thankfully, the screen was blank, making you smile.

"Hey Alphys! Is the experiment stable again or do I have to call in the cleanup crew!" You yelled through the lab.

Scampering filled your ears as the familiar form of the melted mass of mutt ran towards you. You put your hand out and pet the animal fondly before turning into the lab. "Hey Alphys, I think I know-"

Your eyes snapped up just in time to see a ray of golden yellow plasma racing towards you. Your hands pulled down on the multi-mutts collar as you swung him out of the way and dodged yourself. The beam grazed your arm, brining your HP down to 18/20.

The mutt whimpered as you snapped angrily towards the direction of the attack. "What the hell Alphys?! You almost hit multi-mutt!" You screamed.

A few feet away, you watched as an infamous GasterBlaster disappeared, revealing Alphys and another monster. Two bones shot toward you, yellow haze encasing them. Your (S/C) soul floated above your chest, absorbing the attack.

HP: 5/20

Multi-mutt jumped in front of you an growled. The attacks stopped as you finally got a good look at the new monster. He was decently taller than you, at least a few inches. You could now see he was a skeleton. Your brows furrowed as you identified the cracks in his skull were the same as the scientist, Gaster. His eye was glowing a dangerous golden hue and Alphys was shaking beside him.

"Did Gaster get another son? I thought Asgore forbid it?" You asked, looking at Alphys.

The small dinosaur squeaked and hid behind the skeleton. You rolled your eyes. "Alphys? What's wrong? Who is this guy?"

The skeleton spoke first. "I don't know who you are but how did you get clearance down here?" He growled.

You unclipped and vanished your keycard. "I've only been working her the past ten months." you hissed. "But why are you here? Last time I checked, I was Alphys's only other coworker."

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