~Chapter 20~

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You returned home after another hour with Toriel. She seemed reluctant to let you go after the incident but with a few comforting words she finally let you go. Frisk stayed behind to stay the night with Toriel. You weren't surprised though, it had been a while since he'd seen his adoptive mother. You hugged Frisk and Toriel goodbye.

"I'll see you guys soon. Take care of each other while I'm not here." You said as you squeezed Toriel. "Give me a call when Frisk wants to come back to Snowdin, I'll pick him up. And if you want I'll fix the door so it goes both ways."

Toriel laughed. "Don't stress such things (Y/N). Take it easy for awhile. I don't want you risking another event."

You waved it off. "Don't worry about that mom, I've got it covered."

She stuttered a moment before smiling. "It seems I've adopted another child, haven't I?"

You were confused a moment before laughing. "I guess my Toriels' will have to share, won't they?"

We both laughed. "Take care my child."

"See you guys later."

You turned and left through the large set of doors. G!Sans waited for you, though everyone else already seemed a good distance ahead of you. The two of you shared a smile then walked side by side through the white waves of frost.

"I'm guessing the kid's staying over?"

You nodded. "I know that Toriel has a preset curriculum set up so he'll probably learn something while he's there too. Ha, I probably should've visited sooner."

G!Sans shrugged. "He would've learned something either way. He's surrounded by scientist 24/7. Kinda impossible not to pick something up."

You giggled, "I guess. But he'll need a bit more than science once the Surface is opened up."

You thought silently, tapping your chin until nodding in confirmation of your idea. "I'm gonna teach Frisk how to fight."

G!Sans withheld a laugh upon seeing your determined gaze. "You wanna teach the kid how to fight? He tried to flirt with Undyne over fighting her."

You nodded. "I know he's a pacifist, and this being his first set I'm guessing he's on a pacifist route. However, when that barrier opens up its gonna get real difficult for monsters and humans, Frisk especially."

You were silent a moment, remembering when you had heard the news. G!Sans cleared his thought, taking your attention once again.

"Why'd Frisk get it hard? Wouldn't he have been welcomed, being human and all?"

You shook you head with a sad smile. "You'd think so, but it's kinda the opposite. Ya see, once monsters make their appearance, all humans fell into one of three categories.

Most of us belonged to those who were scared. Until then you'd just been legends. Then theirs the hardheads that resolved directly to violence. Those were the people that shot on sight. Actually, the first few months of their occurring, it was war just beyond the barrier. Government officials from both sides had to settle that by literally walking into no man's land and screaming into megaphones.

Then lastly, and we were the smallest of the three populations, were those that found you curious. It may have looked like we were peaceful or gentle but really, we were all just curious about you. Often the scared humans turned to violence, so conflict wasn't uncommon. That was about when officials deployed the implant policy."

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