~Chapter 6~

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"Undyne, you can't tell anyone. I already know a lot of people here don't trust me and I don't want to scare any of the few people I have away. As far as I want them to know, this is the first ever traumatic thing that's ever happened to me. Please promise you won't tell!" You pled.

"(Y/N), it's going to cause a lot of trouble if you keep stuff like that bottled up. You'll blow and people will get hurt."

"I promise I won't blow! Some of it I haven't even told the monsters back home and I'm still going. Please just promise me...."

Undyne sighed dramatically but flashed you a cheeky grin. "Okay punk, I promise. I won't spill a word about it to anyone."

You hadn't noticed the creaking entry until they spoken. "About what?" A childish voice rang.

Your eyes darted to Frisk's image and your heart stopped. Another person came in behind them waving nonchalantly. Your face reddened with mad.

"Hey Asshat, weren't you supposed to be watching Frisk? Did you even read the note?!" You hissed, instantly snatching Frisk in your arms.

G!Sans shrugged. "I read it but both Frisk and I got bored of the house. So I decided to bring the kid to come meet Undyne."

Frisk turned his gaze to me. "I thought you were going to the lab." Frisk inquired.

"I-I did! I just ran into Undyne on the way back and we got to talking. We're best friends now."

Frisk grinned widely. "So you're okay!"

You nodded and he jumped up, doing an adorable happy dance. Undyne laughed and patted his head. "Kid, you're pretty cool."

Frisk just beamed and continued his dance. G!Sans chuckled, leaving you feel annoyed.

"I'm still mad at you jackass. If I hadn't worked things out with Undyne then Frisk could've been in danger." You nagged.

"But he wasn't. That's the important part."

"The fact that it was even a possibility is what pisses me off! I get that your fused and all but if you just be a bit more like the Sans I know will take the precautions needed to keep him safe."

G!Sans grin fell. Frisk stopped his celebration and patted your knee. "I'm okay (Y/N). I can protect myself when I need to." He reassured.

You smiled and hugged him. "I know Frisk. I've just seen you through a lot and I worry about you."

"You sound like Toriel." Frisk giggled.

"Hey, that's a good thing. Toriel is awesome." You countered.

Frisk giggled and moved to talk to Undyne. You watched happily until a hand rested on your shoulder. You looked back to be G!Sans towering over you. 

"Can we talk outside?" He asked.

Your heart dropped immediately with your smile but you nodded. "We'll be back in a bit." You called to Undyne and Frisk as you closed the door.

G!Sans led you a little bit away from the house, leaned against a tree and faced you. His expression was solemn as he lit a smoke and offered you one. You declined promptly and leaned on one of you hips.

"What do you want Bone Boy?" You asked coldly.

G!Sans chuckled. "Bone Boy?" He shook his head. "You're loosing your edge (Y/N)."

"Just tell me what you want." You retorted.

He'd be better off dead. He endangered Frisk and doesn't even act like he cares. Why don't you just let me kill him.

Blown Through The Rift (Gaster!Sans X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now