~Chapter 10~

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200 views! What?! Okay, so today was a short update. Sorry about that guys. Hopefully y'all can deal with a few less pages. Love ya readers!
Alphys came in to check on your bandages a little bit after Frisk and G!Paps left. G!Sans however never left your side. The thought of having him around comforted you.

"Wow (Y/N)! You weren't kidding about your healing abilities! Your cuts are already closing up on their own and you broken fingers are already mending."

"Broken fingers?" You asked.

Alphys laughed. "Did you expect t-to punch a frozen tree with no protection and come away clean?"

You stuck out your tongue and G!Sans jabbed your side. "What healing ability?"

Your eyes widened and you looked at Alphys. "You never told him?" You asked.

She shrugged and looked away. "You never said whether or not you were okay with me sharing that information with anyone so I just assumed you didn't want me spreading it."

You giggled. "Anything I tell you, unless I stress secrecy, can be passed around our friends. Especially Frisk and G!Sans here."

Alphys was quiet as she looked between us. She seemed to be examining us until she burst out into a fit of laughter.

"What'd we miss Al? What's so funny?"
G!Sans asked.

Alphys wiped a tear away and calmed down. "I-I'm sorry. It's just the l-last time I saw you together, Sans was trying to kill you and tow you away. Now it seems your dating each other."

You saw as G!Sans cheekbones lit up in a yellow hue, progressing at a rate equal to your own red cheeks.

"No! We're not-"

"Dating or anything." G!Sans finished.

Alphys snickered. "I ship it so hard!" She squealed and ran out of the room.

You cursed after her but didn't chase her. G!Sans chuckled. "I swear she ships anything that breathes." He sighed.

"I know! My Alphys back home has a shipping shrine." You giggled.


"No kidding. She even used to ship me with people."

G!Sans raised a brow in curiosity. "And who exactly did she ship you with, dove?"

"Well, when I went though a period trying to teach Papyrus cooking that wasn't Spaghetti she shipped us. Then there was a brief ship with Mettaton but I think her latest ship was me and Sans."

He blushed at your last statement and you realized why. "It's not that I actually have a crush on any of them! I mean, they're all really nice and all but I don't like like them like that ya know?"

He smirked. "And who do you like like?" He cooed in a low and husky voice.

It sent shivers down your spine and painted you a new color red. "N-None of your business." You stuttered.

Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as he moved from the chair next to the bed to the bed itself. He sat and looked at you in an almost predatory way.

"Oh but it is my business." He purred, leaning towards you.

His sent curled off of him, coaxing you to relax into him. You resisted but he leaned closer to you, bring your noses within centimeters of each other. You're heart pounded against you chest in the best way possible as his head tilted just a little bit. His eye slid towards your lips for just a moment as he spoke away. His warm breath fluttered against your lips, leaving you shaking in nervous warmness.

Blown Through The Rift (Gaster!Sans X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now