~Chapter 9~

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You drifted numbly between consciousness and sleep. The space was quiet and dark. Endless, velvety blackness wrapped you in a cold embrace as you tried to collect yourself. The memory had shaken you badly and you felt hallow. This had always been your worst fear. It always scared you that one day, your past would turn you into someone else. Someone that had given up.

But you didn't want that, you wanted to continue living. Frisk needed you. Your brother and sister were waiting for you back home. Quiet tears decorated your cheeks. You looked around the darkness and tried to summon your soul to light the darkness, but lacked the strength to. You sighed and pulled your knees into your chest.

"Why God? Why did I end up like this? Why did you plan my life like this?" You muttered into your folded arms.

Scientist should not trust so much in an unproven 'God.'

You whipped around and looked for the newcomer. "Who is that?" You asked.

Inches from your face, a white skull appeared. From the skull, features started to form and soon a familiar person formed. His eyes drooped and cracks stretched from both eyes, both cracks opposing its twin in direction. His grin was hallow and stretched between the middles of both of his eyes. You could tell his grin was genuine however due to the many days you had worked with him before.

"Doctor Gaster?" You asked, wanting to make sure.

Hello (Y/N). It's nice to meet you.

Your brows furrowed and then your heart fell into your feet. "Oh, you're this AU's Gaster, aren't you?"

He nodded. Sorry to disappoint.

You shook your head. "It didn't disappoint, I just didn't expect to see you since you were fused with your children."

He laughed. I thought as much. I wanted to examine you actually. Not only have you proven my theory of different timelines but you're from another universe that mimics our own.

"Actually Gaster, based on the data I've collected, I think my universe is the base to this one. All character except for you, G!Paps and G!Sans are the same as they are back home."

He stroked his chin. Interesting.

He took a few moments to think and then spoke again. (Y/N), Sans wants to know what happened.

You had to think a moment before realizing what he meant. "You mean why I was collapsed in the forest?"

Gaster nodded. You rolled your eyes.
"Why can't he wait till I wake up? I hate pass messages through people."

Gaster chuckled. I'll tell him that.

You rolled your eyes. "You're so weird Doctor Gaster."

Just Gaster. No need for formalities.

"Sorry. You're so weird Gaster."

I find that 'weird' people are often the most interesting.

You nodded. "Yeah. All us weird fuckers are definitely something." You cooed.

You were lost in your thought when Gaster snapped you back to attention. "I'm sorry Gaster, what did you say?"

He chuckled. I was saying that Sans is on his way.

"I'm waking up?"

No, Sans is coming here.

You gave him the most confused look you'd ever made. "Where are we exactly?"

In my mindscape.

Blown Through The Rift (Gaster!Sans X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now