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(A/N: This chapter is dedicated to one of my good friends, hariniNSHS for motivating me when I made her read the chapter in school... I don't know, if you do remember that incident, my friend, but thanks a lot for that time...)

Light, Renai and Akira boarded a plane whose destination was Turkey.

"I must've seen beyond his words," sighed Renai, reminding herself of the time, Light asked her to book the plane tickets.

"Well, Ren-chan..." Akira said, " You are filling for Sal-chan..."

"Salandra refused?? It was wierd for such an instance to happen.

"No. She broke her arm... We needed someone with quick ideas and I nominated you..."

"I figured from the way you are beaming, Akira... Are we travelling in business class??"

"Aye... I wonder what jobs, Light-kun's parents do to earn this kind of money..."

"They're dead..." Light said, taking a seat beside the window," So, I guess I don't know much about them..."

"Dead??" Renai was stunned.

"Killed to be precise..." Light said, no change of frequency in his unemotional voice... Akira held Renai's shoulder saying that if she wanted to console him, she could sit beside him... Rein tried to refuse, but before she could respond, Akira occupied the window seat in front of Light's...

Guess I'm stuck with him Renai thought, opening a magazine.

Akira opened the newspaper to read, but was disturbed by a formal Hello... Beside him was a person wearing a gray colored jacket over a tight, black, sweat shirt and a pair of black jean. He had short, curly hair, that was partially hidden by a gray fedora.

"I'm Z..." He said.


"So, ya interested in the homicides of Knight the Savior??"

"Idiocy... He's no savior, just a regular murderer with extraordinary ideals..."

"So, ya interested??" Z repeated.

"I am."

"Now, help me pal... Let's bounce ideas..."

"Huh??" Akira was stupefied.

"First, he chooses Mike Brown December 25, 2014; Then, Tyler Triston on January 3, 2015; Then, Mina Mimosa on January 21, 2015; Then, Xeno Campbell on February 10, 2015; Finally, Kevin Roberts on March 10, 2015. Go..."

"Um..." Akira stammered," What do I have to say??"

"Mike, Ty, Mina, Xen and Kev... All of them happen to be five peas in the same pod..."

"I get it... The five of them were under the control of the Russian Mafia leader, Usoyan Kadriovski..."

" The most likely victims are - "

"Frank, Joselyn, Paul and Ethan..." Akira interrupted. So, that's what he meant when he said, Paul or Ethan... But, why just them??

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