Back in Action: Z joins the Detective duo - Dike gets back in Action

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At last, the plane reached its destination.

"I will get going, Akira..." Light said," Check in the hotel..."

"So soon?? And what about the finance??"

"One of us has to begin the search... As for the money, I have paid it a while back... I heard Fostor is in Tishkav..." Light left without a word more.

"This time, Light's sadder than serious... Something's totally off about him, today..." Renai voiced in a tone, quite softer than usual. It did not take Akira long before acknowledging her words with a short nod.

Light reached to the amusement park, by the time, his friends proceeded to the motel. He scrutinized the park, pondering where the victim was likely to be. The park was just like any other, crowded with people, hindering the view. That which made Tishkav stranger than other other amusement parks, was the presence of an young man, attracting most of the mob towards him, with just his appearance. Light maintained his distance from the gentleman whose visage was hid by the crawling spectators. Little did he know, it was the man he had been searching, all along - Knight, The Savior of the World, or so proclaimed from the Chronicles (Newspapers).

Now, Dike... Perform you role, as planned, prior... Law resisted a smile in his poker face, with evil lurking around.


"An explosion??"

The noise of an explosion drew the mob around the giant wheel. Law was calm; so was Light. However, they could not see each other, with all the rush. However, Law did get a glimpse of the young Incognito, Wolverine, possibly unaware of the possibility of such.

"What's the ruckus about??" Akira had done his part of the job - Protecting the former model, Ariadne, according to Will's request.

"I ne'er thought you were smart enough to identify the explosion to be a Misdirection by Knight..." It was Z's opinion.

"A mistake, Z..." Light corrected, "He's here, as I am..." The three were far away from the supposed explosion, or the Misdirection, said to be.

"Bakayaro (Japanese: Idiot)!" Akira snapped.

Light let Akira's snide comment slide,"And that is certainly a trademark start of Lawrence Acryl's..." A lot of time passed, as Light was observed in deep silence, reckoning something, that which was broken, soon enough. "We'll find the victim in the most noticeable location... And that will be no misdirection of Knight..."

"Acryl's show..." Akira confirmed.

Law... Lawrence Acryl... You-YOU Amaze me... The former serial killer was clearly amazed. He was in an underground shaft, and could clearly hear the yells and shrieks of the general public.

"I've to tell you something, Crimson-Eyes..." Law said, panting, after a good tennis match with Dike, a fellow south-paw. It was a few days before Law organised a show in Tishkav, an amusement park in Turkey. "I need your help..." He continued.

Dike, who lost against the teenager, accepted the offer, simply because he was captivated by the young mind.

"You'll be the one to act as Knight on March 20..." Dike was perplexed. Law refused to explain further, until he devised his alibi...

Damn kid... The Crimson-eyed man, eyed his watch in the dim brightness of the oil-lamp. How long should I wait before anyone actually enters this jet-dark tunnel?? Figuratively speaking, Dike was tired of waiting.

"Now, may I get a volunteer??" Law asked out loud. He was surprisingly enthusiastic.

Among the spectators were Light, Akira and Z, the first one, as serious as ever. All the three were deep in thought regarding the incident that was about to happen.

Many hands went up... Most of them, teen girls. Law had gained popularity among young girls. A man wearing a coat was chosen. He was standing next to Ethan, the mastermind behind the family of the Kadriovsky, a Russian Mafia in deep ties with American Underground.

"Sir, Can you confirm that your name is in fact Tim Oswald??" Law asked, as soon as he climbed on the dice. That was indeed his name. "Then, a small advice on my part, Tim..." Law added, "Don't lose your wallet again..." He returned his wallet, back. The people found the joke, pleasing. "Jokes apart, Tim... Will you be my test subject??"


"I'm going to hypnotize you... Here and Now..." The old man was ready for the challenge. Ethan, on the other hand, was slipping away from the magic show and onto the shaft, underground.

I'm sure then men have escaped, safe... Ethan's mind wandered. Some of his men were trapped in the underground shaft... Or so, he received data, from one of his most trusted source - Kadriovsky. It must be the job of the hideous Knight!! Kadriovsky and I are the only ones with knowledge of such a location... So how did he... His thoughts trailed off, as he was confused. He entered the place. The underground shaft was dead dark.

A Trap!?! His instinct guided him.

"Nothing less expected from a pro, Ethan..." The oil-lamp was extinguished. Ethan's eyes were blinded with the close proximity of the torch, when switched on.

"Who are you??" Ethan yelled, the yell deafening, yet dying into the endlessness of the shaft.

"The one who drove you here and now..." Ethan was unable to heed Dike's words... All because of one precise bullet, shot from the barrel, right to his heart. Ethan lay on the ground, lifeless... Dike looked at the corpse...

"This is no action movie, buddy..." He uttered, "There's no way you can win unarmed, with your eyes blinded... That was how I lost my good friend... To people like you..."

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