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The grand night of sorrow and elation had appeared. Law was ready to do the bad deed for the goodness of the wicked world.

I wonder, Dike thought, What is his reason for doing such evil deeds?? He was in front of a desk, monitoring Law's moves as Knight using a computer.

"You are sloppy, Law, " He muttered to himself," But, I will sharpen you as an expert, son..."

Law was inside an empty garage. It was dark... So dark that even Dike who implanted a tiny camera in the dungeon could not envision what was in...

Law gazed at the shadow emitting extreme aura of evil and stupidity... Qualities that should never go alongside each other. Law made a sound, taking advantage of the the button knife's sonority.

"Who's there??" The man asked. He took out his gun, pointing it at thin air at random.

Law was completely silent. He was wearing a pair of socks and gloves. Shoes were missing. The man, Kevin Roberts, wad afraid... As were all all of Law's previous victims. But Roberts' fear was implanted by an eerie touch of thick clothing on his neck. He tried to escape his grip. But, it wad extremely strong, despite his assailant being just seventeen.

Law ran the blade of the knife on Roberts' neck... The gun smuggler ascended into heaven... Or hell, in his case...

"Who, you ask??" Law hissed, glancing at Roberts' lifeless eyes. His voice was as grim and deep as ever," Reaper of evil - Knight..."

Juvenile, Dike giggled, 'Reaper of evil - Knight??' You still have a long way to go, brat...

There was a ruckus in the whole of New York, the next day... Headlines read: Knight Assassinates Kevin Roberts... Has a New Savior Reborn??

"Savior?" Akira asked, hurling the newspaper with absolute vexation," That man is nothing but a murderer..."

"Akira..." Light was as calm as ever," Don't let your emotions get the best of you... Instead think..." Light handed him a cup of coffee. The aroma of the hot coffee refreshed him.

Akira took a deep breath before he began: "The fact that Knight has been regarded as the savior, suddenly, means that there is something of sudden attention at the scene, of crime... Since Knight was made a sensation... An overnight sensation... It must be something that the Journalists must've noticed at first sight..."

"Look at the photograph in today's paper... What could it be??" Light's Monotone remained...

"The Tattoo!! 'Savior Knight'!!"

"You're slow, Endo-san..."

"Shut up!!"

Ignoring his comment, Light continued:" Knight Savior is an anagram... Jumble the letters and the phrase one obtains is Tour in Tishkav... For your information, Tish-kav is an amusement park, in Turkey... Due to be opened...

"I'm not as idiotic as you think, Light-kun..." Akira shrugged," Next incident would be in Tishkav..."

Were I Knight... Light mused, The date of assassination would be March Twenty...

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