Chapter One

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Young love makes me want to puke in my mouth and you would probably want to puke in your mouth too if you saw what was going on.

I was sitting in the living room trying to watch an old black and white movie on TV, but all I could hear was kissing sounds and moans coming from the other side of the room. My younger brother, Mike and his new girlfriend were playing tonsil hockey with each other on one of the other leather couches across the room.

This wasn't what I needed right now, I was having an off day and I didn't need young love being paraded in my face to remind me that I am single.

"You know, If I wanted to listen to heavy breathing and moaning I would go and watch one of your porn movies that you have in your room" I said ever so casually that Romeo and Juliet stopped making out, I had shocked them, I felt a small sense of satisfaction.

"Aria, shut up!" Mike snapped through gritted teeth as he moved away from his girlfriend who looked hot and flustered.

"I am not the one making sounds of pleasure" I pointed out.

"Well, damn, Alison's ways really have rubbed off on you. Be careful, Aria, you are on your way to being a bitch just like her" Mike hissed at me as him and his girlfriend went up the stairs...Ah, mission accomplished.

Alison's ways haven't rubbed off on me, there is only room for one Alison in this world I will say that much. Alison DiLaurentis, with hair so blonde that it looked like gold and eyes so blue that they resembled sapphires was the golden girl at Rosewood High. Every girl wanted to be her and every guy wanted to be with her and she just happened to be my friend.

As you can probably imagine Alison got everything she wanted and if she didn't then you would know about it. Life seemed like a piece of cake for Ali, I on the other hand do not find life so easy. I am the complete opposite to Alison, I have brunette hair with pink streaks in, I have brown eyes and let's just say my style is a little out there. I am not the golden girl I am just "Ali's friend" that is all anyone sees me as, I can't be Aria when I am with Alison because standing next to Alison is like a cloud floating next to the beaming sun, what are people going to pay more attention to? The sun of course and that's the problem.

The sound of my phone ringing snapped me out of my thoughts that seemed too deep for daylight, it was Ali.

"Aria are you coming over, or did you develop amnesia?" Alison asked me sarcastically. I had totally forgot that I was meant to be going to her house to hang out with her and our three other friends, Hanna, Emily and Spencer.

"So sorry, Ali, I completely forgot. I will be there in five, okay?" I said feeling like a complete idiot that I had forgotten.

"Oh and Aria one other thing...Can you wear a different colour other than black? Sometimes you remind me of those widows from hundreds of years ago who had to mourn their dead lovers for the rest of their lives by wearing only black." Alison said, a slight snigger to her voice. Better go change then I thought once I had hung up the phone. I was pretty comfortable in my black hoodie and matching sweats I almost didn't want to get changed, but somehow I always wanted to please Ali so I ended up changing into a baby pink sweater and ripped black skinny jeans with black ankle boots. Okay so I was still wearing black, but at least I was wearing pink to break it up a little.

I stepped out into the cool fall air, darkness had fallen and the walk to Ali's would be about ten minutes from my house so I plugged my earphones into my phone and listened to music so that the walk didn't seem boring.

The night was quiet so when I reached the street just before Ali's street I was startled when I walked into a dark figure. I bumped into the figure quite forcefully that it caused me to drop my phone which resulted in the earphones being ripped from my ears. I went to bend down to pick up my phone, but the figure had already picked my phone up.

"Sorry little darlin'" A deep voice spoke softly and I looked up to see that it was Ali's older mysterious brother Jason. He is mysterious because he spends all his time in his room with his friends either drinking or smoking pot. In the years that I have been friends with Ali I had only ever spoken to Jason a few times when all the girls were with me, our conversations only consisted mainly of "Hi" and "bye". I had never been alone with him until now which made me feel nervous because it felt more intimate.

"I wasn't watching where I was going" he continued apologetically. The light from the street lamp shined down on his face and I found myself holding my breath. I am sure it was in the DiLaurentis's DNA to be blessed with beauty because Jason was no exception. His mop of blonde hair was pushed to one side which fell into one of his hypnotising green eyes that resembled emeralds, thick eyelashes framed his perfect eyes and his muscular 6'0 frame bellowed above my own little 5'2 frame. Thinking about it now that's probably why he called me "little darlin'" I didn't mind him calling me that, if anything it made my heart skip a beat.

"It's okay neither was I" I replied as he handed me back my phone. As he put my phone in my hand our hands briefly touched and I felt a shiver shoot through me.

"Oh that makes both of us then...So you on your way to see Ali?" he asked bending his head down slightly to look at me which was making me more nervous.

"Um yeah" I replied not meeting his gaze and rubbing my ear because it hurt from where my earphones had been ripped from my ear.

"Oh are you okay Aria?" Jason asked me acknowledging that I was rubbing my ear.

"Oh I'm fine, I'm sure its nothing...I'm just a wimp when it comes to pain" I laughed nervously.

"Here, let me take a look" I felt Jason standing closer to me now and my whole body reacted to this, it became aware of everything. He smelt of cigarette smoke mixed with cologne, an intoxicating combination of scents which made me close my eyes and breathe it all in.

I opened my eyes to see Jason peering down at me, he gave me a lop sided smile that was so sexy that I almost couldn't handle being so close to him and not being able to just grab him and kiss him. He reached out his hand and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and held his hand there for a second before taking a pink strand of hair and tugging lightly at it before letting it fall from his fingers. His touch was the lightest of touches, but it made every hair on my body stand up.

"Damn, looks like you're going to need your ear amputated" And just like that the moment was gone and I stood there in shock.

"Haha relax Aria! I'm just playing, your ear looks fine" we both collapsed into laughter at how gullible I was.

"Well I should be going, Ali will be waiting for me" I said once I had recovered from laughing.

"Yeah I gotta bounce too" Jason replies, I noticed he didn't say where he was going.

"Alright, well I'll be seeing you , Aria, soon hopefully" He flashed me a small smile.

"Bye, Jason" I said shyly, I couldn't believe he said he wanted to see me soon. I started to leave when I felt Jason grab my hand, my heart leaped into my mouth and I spun around.

"Yes?" I asked him, looking down at his strong hand gripped around mine. His gaze drifted to our hands and he looked a little embarrassed and dropped my hand instantly.

"Try not to walk into any more guys on your way, okay?" Jason spoke cooly, flashing me a small smile and just like that he disappeared into the night.

I found myself blushing all the way to Alison's.

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