Chapter Nine

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I watched in total disbelief as Melissa, Spencer's older sister drove off with Jason in her car. I was shaking in the chair, I wasn't sure if it was because I was still recovering from the cold or whether it was because I was in shock. Was Jason in a relationship with Melissa? Is this what he wanted to tell me? Was what we had all some big joke? Because that's what it felt like. In that moment I started to believe everything that everyone had ever said about Jason in this town.

"Aria, you shouldn't be out in this storm" a male voice said behind me and I turned around with what little energy I had left to see Garrett Reynolds standing behind me. I felt the teeniest bit better when I saw Garrett, he was tall, dark and handsome with tanned skin, dark silky hair and deep brown eyes. He was a barista in Starbucks, but he was training to be a police officer.

"I know, I just came here because I was meant to be meeting someone...but the plans got cancelled last minute" My voice trailed off unsteady, I had to gain back control I didn't want to do anything embarrassing like burst into tears.

"You're shivering...want to come through to the back? I got a towel you can use to dry yourself off" Garrett offered, giving me a kind smile which showed his adorable dimples. Him showing me kindness when I felt so crap sent me over the edge and to my horror I broke down in tears.

"Come on sweetheart" Garrett said softly helping me up from my chair. He put a strong arm around my shoulders, the heat from his arm was comforting against my freezing body. People were looking at me and I looked at the ground sobbing, Garrett rubbed my back soothingly until we entered the store room.

The store room was small; it was just big enough for me and Garrett to stand in. There were shelves filled with different kinds of Coffee and syrups, etc. On the bottom shelf there were lots of different hand washes and towels, I guessed they were for the bathroom. Garrett picked up a pink towel and tried to hand it to me, but I just stared at it blankly crying. Garrett looked at me with a mixture of awkwardness and pity. He looked around the room and found a chair and pulled it out for me.

"Here, sit down" he gestured and I sat down, I could see my chest rising and falling from my sobs. Suddenly I felt Garrett gently running the towel through my hair, I tensed up at first, but eventually the sensation began to sooth me as he worked the towel to the top of my head and began massaging the routes. I closed my eyes letting the tears fall down my cheeks, it felt good to cry.

"" I managed to get out in between sobs. Garrett let out a quiet laugh behind me.

"Sometimes my Mom gets really sick so I take care of my little sister. I help her wash her hair and dry it, my sister taught me how to dry long hair." Garrett explained.

"'" I replied still sobbing.

"Do you have a hair brush?" Garrett asked putting the towel back on the shelf. I nodded and dug into my bag and retrieved it. I decided I should brush my own hair, Garrett had already been kind enough, but before I could brush my hair Garrett took the brush from my hand, I tried to protest but he shushed me. He gathered all my hair in his hands and gently brushed the ends of the hair before brushing the whole head. It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me, I hadn't had someone take care of me like this in such a long time. I realized that Garrett had really soothed me so much so that I had stopped crying.

"I'm so sorry, I just made a complete fool out of myself" I said wiping my eyes standing up once he had finished brushing my hair.

"You didn't make a fool of yourself, we all have our bad days" Garrett reassured me handing me back my hairbrush.

"At least you understand, anyone else would have left me alone out there. Hell, knowing this town people would have taken pictures of me and sent it to all their friends claiming I was having a mental breakdown" I sniffed putting the hairbrush back into my bag.

"I'm not most people in this town" Garrett replied and I looked up at him to see him smiling, his dimples were on display once again and I couldn't help but feel the quickness of my heart.

"That's why you are going to make a great police officer, you care about peoples wellbeing" I pointed out.

"Thank you...speaking of wellbeing what has got you so upset if you don't mind me asking?" Garrett asked putting a hand on my shoulder. I felt the beat of my heart quicken at his touch and I suddenly felt strangely guilty that someone other than Jason was having an effect on my heart. I shouldn't have felt guilty but at the same time I felt like I was betraying Jason when the reality was he was never mine to betray.

"I have feelings for someone...but I think he has been not completely honest with me" I replied, I had nothing to lose by telling Garrett.

"Oh...what makes you say that?" Garrett asked.

"Well he has been getting drunk a lot and I think he is with someone else" I replied feeling sad about the whole thing all over again.

"Wait...He has been getting drunk a lot? Is he from this town?" Garrett asked raising an eyebrow, I nod.

"Okay, Aria, I need you to be honest with me...Are you talking about Jason DiLaurentis?" Garrett asked, a concerned expression crossed over his face as he placed his hands on my shoulders. I gulped, Garrett wasn't stupid I knew it wouldn't take him long to figure out that it was Jason, if I told him how would I know he wouldn't betray my trust?

"Aria, you can trust me, it's Jason isn't it?" Garrett said looking at me with those deep brown eyes that were so warm and friendly, it's like they were inviting me in somehow. I took a deep breath and nodded, now two people knew my secret.

"Aria, I know Jason, we hang around in the same crowd and honestly he isn't in a good place right now. He is vulnerable and is probably leaning on you for emotional support, but I don't think he is ready for anything serious. You need someone who is going to take care of you, Aria, and Jason can barely take care of himself right now" Garrett explained.

"I just feel so confused, I've never felt this way before and now I feel so stupid because obviously he doesn't feel the same and thinks I'm just some naïve girl." I sighed, feeling on the verge of tears again.

"Come here" Garrett whispered and he pulled me to him in a tight embrace, his arms locked tight around my waist and his chin was resting gently on the top of my head. He felt secure, his touch didn't feel temporary like he could disappear at any moment like Jason did.

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