Chapter Seven

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"Alright, you have been staring at that like it's been blessed or something for five minutes now" Emily pointed out referring to the Mocha Frappecunnio that was in front of me. Me and Emily were in Starbucks.

"Sorry" I smiled apologetically playing with the green straw in my hand.

"So who is it?" Emily asked moving her long black hair to one side.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"The boy you like" Emily replied, a smile forming her lips.

"There is no boy" I lied avoiding eye contact.

"Oh please! You have been practically floating on cloud nine for weeks. I have seen you numerous times stare dreamily into thin air!" Emily continued, she really wanted to know who it was.

"Is it Noel? Because I saw him looking at you at his party" Emily asked.

"Noel looks at anything with legs, Em" I laughed reassuring her.

"Yeah, but I heard he's into you...Maybe we can get Ali to hook you guys up!" Emily suggested excitedly leaning forward.

No way would Noel be into me, I used to have a crush on him until I figured he was just a typical rich boy. money was always being handed out to him like candy. The only two people he seemed to love was himself and his money which to me was an unattractive quality to have.

"No I'm not into Noel" I said dismissing her idea.

"Okay so who is it?" Emily smiled.

"it's no one" I replied.

"Okay, Aria, I'm not stupid I know you, why can't you just tell me who it is? I promise not to say anything to the girls if you don't want me to" Emily said softly. I did really need to talk to someone and Emily was the sweetest and non-judge mental out of all of the girls amd I knew I could trust her not to say anything.

"Jason DiLaurentis" I whispered.

"Huh? What about Jason?...Oh holy shit you have feelings for Jason!" Emily realized putting a hand over her mouth in shock. I simply nodded feeling embarrassed.

"How though? We never see him...Aria, you know we don't trust him he is sketchy" Emily said seriously.

"I know, but he isn't what he seems. I have been hanging out with him" I replied shrugging my shoulders as I knew this wasn't going to sit well with Emily.

"Oh my god something happened didn't it?" Emily realized.

"Um...well we kissed and we have slept together twice" I said feeling the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"You did WHAT?!" Emily almost shouted.

"Shhh! We didn't sleep together like that, we just fell asleep with our clothes still attached to our bodies and what not" I hissed.

"Oh sorry...So he hasn't tried to sleep with you?" Emily asked surprised. I shook my head

"Wow he has changed...So when are you planning on telling Alison?" Emily asked. I wasn't going to tell Ali yet because I don't even know what me and Jason are.

"You have to tell her" Emily read my mind.

"I know...I just don't know what this thing with me and Jason is yet' I replied honestly taking a sip of my Frappucinno.

"Well what do you want it to be?" Emily asked holding her coffee mug in her hands.

"Honestly? I want to be with him, Em" it felt so good to finally have said how I have been feeling.

"Look, you know how I feel about the guy, but if he makes you happy then you should tell him. Just be careful. I don't want you to get hurt" Emily smiled giving my hand a squeeze.

Later on that night I was in bed browsing on my phone when I saw that Jason was showing as online on Facebook. My heart quickened at the sight of his name on the screen, just seeing his name made me happy. I knew I had to tell him how I felt, I couldn't see him again without him knowing.

Hey, Jason, I can't sleep again lol! Before I could change my mind I send the message and quickly put my phone back down next to me. It was such a stupid text, I bet he wouldn't reply. I stared up at my ceiling wishing I had better game when I felt my phone vibrate, I picked up the phone so fast that I almost dropped it on my face.

Join the club...I miss you. My heart almost melted, I messaged him back telling him I missed him too.

I need to see you, meet me tomorrow after school?

Okay, where?

Outside Starbucks

Sure, I'll see you then, goodnight, sweet dreams

Sweet dreams beautiful 

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