Chapter Twelve

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"Did I fall asleep? Man, I'm so sorry" I heard Garrett say sleepily next to me, I panicked slightly I didn't expect him to wake up at that exact moment and so I shoved my phone back into my bag.

"Do you always hide your phone from people's view?" Garrett asked, laughing slightly as he sat up.

", it was just my Mom again wondering when I would be home. It's kinda embarrassing getting texts from your Mom all the time so that's why I quickly put my phone away" I lied; I was getting good at lying I noticed.

When Garrett pulled up outside my driveway later I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt, I was so eager to get out of his car and forget that this disaster date ever happened.

"Okay, well thanks for tonight, I loved the movie!" I faked a smile trying to sound like I had enjoyed myself when all I had been thinking of was that beautiful blonde boy that I missed so much.

"You're welcome...I really enjoyed tonight too" Garrett replied, emphasising on the word "really"... Oh god.

"Okay great, well goodnight!" I said a little too excitedly as I reached over to open the door, but just as my hand was on the door Garrett put a hand on my shoulder and I turned around, I never saw it coming, but before I knew it Garrett had leaned towards me and was kissing me.

I was so in shock that I didn't know what to do, the kiss felt strange like I was kissing a total stranger. I didn't feel crazy sparks like how I felt with Jason who's kisses were gentle and passionate. Garrett's kiss felt rushed and sloppy with no real meaning to it. I didn't kiss him back and then when I felt his tongue try to enter my mouth I pulled away.

His eyes gave his feelings away he looked surprised and confused all at the same time. I sat there dumb founded for a few seconds trying to think of something to say. I should be explaining that me and him just wouldn't work because I had feelings for Jason, but I was so tired that I couldn't bring myself to explain the whole situation.

"I have to go" I managed to get out before fleeing the car and wiping my mouth.

The next morning I woke with a fresh mind set, I was determined to find out how long Jason had been with Melissa for, I needed to know for my own sanity. I also needed to come clean about how I felt about him, he didn't deserve to know how I felt about him, but I needed desperately to tell him so that I could get it off my chest and move on.

I wondered if Spencer knew anything about Jason and Melissa so I decided to casually drop it into our conversation during lunch.

"Spence, the other day I was at Starbucks and I saw something that looked like it could be shady" I told Spencer, I took a sip of my Coffee feeling anxious.

"What did you see, Aria?" Spencer asked, her face turning serious, digging for answers is something that Spencer is a natural at.

"Well I saw Jason stumbling around outside, I think he was drunk. A car pulled up and he got in the car and this woman hugged him. When I looked closer into the car I saw that woman was Melissa" I explained.

"Wow...Aria, are you sure it was Melissa? Because as far as I know she isn't friends with Jason" Spencer replied.

"It was really her Spence and they seemed to be pretty friendly" I said, wanting to shake off the memory.

"Melissa is with Ian, she is head over heels for that guy. I know Melissa, she would never betray Ian. There has to be a logical explanation...You said Jason was drunk, right? So maybe Melissa just happened to be driving by, saw him and offered to take him home." Spencer suggested. I had never thought of it like that, Spencer could be right, but I felt like there was more to the hug than just Melissa helping out Jason because he was drunk.

After lunch I went to my locker to put some books back, when I shut my locker my heart stopped when I saw Jason leaning up against some of the other lockers. He was dressed in a blue flannel shirt with light blue jeans which brought out some blue in his eyes that were usually green. My heart started beating fast, I was nervous, just seeing him in front of me made all my emotions that I had felt in the last few days come to life, I felt overwhelmed.

"Aria, I'm so sorry..." Jason began, but I found myself interrupting him which surprised him.

"Look, Jason I know what you are going to say, you're going to say something came up so you can spare me the explanation. I waited for you that day and then I saw you get into Melissa Hasting's car and you two hugged before driving off. Was I some big joke to you? Because that's what it felt like. It felt like the whole thing was done deliberately to prove that it was all a joke and that you would never be interested in someone like me" I said, I felt so hurt that I was worried I would cry again.

" think I am in a relationship with Melissa?" Jason asked confused, pulling my arm and guiding me to a quiet part of the corridor where we wouldn't be seen.

"Yes...I saw you two hugging which looked like a more than friends hug so I just put two and two together and figured it out" I replied feeling more upset.

"Aria...Me and Melissa aren't together" Jason said taking my hand. I let him hold it for a few seconds and I started to feel those familiar sparks that happen every time we touch.

"You're not?" I said confused.

"No" the way he said it was so serious, I looked into his eyes and saw the truth, eyes do not lie and his eyes were so big and honest. In that moment I let my heart rule my brain and my heart was telling me was telling the truth and my gut instinct was telling me to believe him so that's what I did.

"I'm so sorry"

"It's okay, you weren't to know"

"I have to be honest with you though Jason. You keep popping in and out of my life, I see you one minute and then I don't see you again for ages. I thought I could handle it, but I really can't anymore because I have feelings for you and it hurts me when I don't see you around. It makes me think that something terrible has happened to you and I..." I was suddenly cut off, Jason cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. The kiss was urgent and passionate like he needed me and was frightened that I would run away. The feel of his plump lips on mine was enough to wash away all the negative feelings I had been getting over the past few days. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed my body into his and he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. I needed him too, I would always need him.

Our lips parted and he rested his forehead against mine as he both got our breath back. His lips were red from all the kissing we had just done and I couldn't help but reach out and touch his lips with my finger, I ran my finger along his lower lip to feel that it was warm against my finger. He leaned in once more and gave me a soft kiss which was quick but sweet.

"I have feelings for you too. I thought you might have guessed that by now since I have kissed you a few times" Jason smiled showing those dimples that made me want to melt. In that moment I was so relieved and happy that I pulled him to me and hugged him tight, he hugged me tighter and I felt his lips brush against the back of my neck which sent electricity pulsing through me.

"Who's kissing who now?" I broke the hug suddenly to see Alison, with a hand on her hip looking like she was ready to kill.

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