Chapter Ten

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Flashback to last summer...

I was taking in the colour of the bridesmaid's dresses...they were blue; they reminded me of the colour of the ocean. I loved looking out into the ocean when I went on vacation, something about the water calmed me in a way that no one else could. I wished I could be looking out into the ocean instead of at this wedding that I didn't want to be at.

Our neighbours across the street were getting married, I didn't have a clue who they were but my parents knew them so they dragged me and Mike along so that we could show our support even though we didn't care.

I heard a fork being lightly tapped against a champagne glass and I knew it was time for the speeches. The father of the bride stood up and all eyes were focused on the tall gravy haired man with glasses. His eyes glistened with pride for his daughter who looked beautiful dressed in white with her long brunette curled hair falling down her back. Her brown eyes were looking lovingly at her father. I realized then that this must be the happiest and saddest day of his life. It was the saddest day because he was letting his daughter go and it was the happiest because his daughter had found love. But that happiness was to be short lived because just as the father opened his mouth to start his speech the sound of a chair being scraped back could be heard from across the room.

All eyes darted from the father to Jason who clumsily stood up. His blonde hair was in his eyes, his white shirt was unbuttoned and he had undone his tie. He was holding a wine glass in his hand, but his hand was tilted so the white wine was spilling onto the floor.

"Jason, what are you doing?" Mrs DiLaurentis hissed at him pulling at his arm. He was sitting on a table at the back with Ali and his parents. He shrugged off his mother's touch. Ali didn't know where to look.

"Hey guys, great day for a white wedding, eh?" Jason shouted smiling.

"Before the speeches start, I would just like to say a few words about the blushing bride over there...Doesn't she look beautiful? Give her a round of applause!" Jason started clapping. Some people clapped reluctantly, others looked around awkwardly.

"See, back in the ceremony I heard the preacher say speak now or forever hold your peace and man I should have taken that chance to say..."

"Alright, Jason that's enough!" his dad stood up grabbing him by the arm, but Jason pushed him away with such strength that he almost fell backwards.

"I should have stood up and said that...Keira, I am in love with you...I know what we had was something real. Last night when you called things off it broke broke me!" Jason threw his hands up in the air in frustration causing the wine glass to drop to the floor and smash

There were gasps being echoed across the room and then the groom stood up and made a run across the room for Jason. When he got to his table he punched Jason so hard he fell to the floor. Screams erupted from a few women. Keira, the bride stood up holding her dress and ran out the room sobbing and her father looked as shocked as I felt.

Jason's parents and Alison were trying to break up the fight by trying to pull Jason off the groom as he was punching him repeatedly. Finally all three of them pulled Jason up, they lead Jason outside and the groom soon followed behind them, his shirt was splattered with blood and his nose was bleeding.

Everyone was silent for a few seconds before chatter picked back up again.

"Rosewood is basically a soap opera" Mike snorted obviously he was amused by the whole incident. He was right though it was like Rosewood meets Gossip Girl.

"Mike! This isn't funny, hearts have been broken today!" Our dad nagged at him, trying to make him see the seriousness of the situation.

"Whatever" Mike replied, clearly he just wanted to go home and I couldn't blame him. Soon there was a line forming to get out of the door, some people were leaving, others seemed to want to go outside to discuss the dramatic events that had just unfolded.

"Hey Mr and Mrs Montgomery" a voice said cheerfully. I turned around to see that Garrett had stepped out of the line to come over to our table and say hello, my heart started beating hard in my chest, Garrett looked gorgeous as ever, the summer sun had sun kissed his skin which glowed.

"Hey Mike, Aria" Garrett smiled at me and my brother, I didn't know if I was imagining it or not, but I could have sworn his voice sounded like it has put extra emphasis on my name. I smiled shyly at Garrett, he smelt like sunscreen and cologne.

"Hey, Garrett, Nice to see you" My Mom smiled up at him.

"You too, it has turned out to be one heck of a wedding hasn't it?" Garrett said flashing us all a grin.

"Oh, you can say that again!" My mom laughed.

"How is your police training going Garrett?" My dad asked him taking a sip of wine.

"Yeah it's going good thanks, feeling the ropes and what not. Hopefully if things go well I should be graduating next year" Garrett replied smoothing over a bit of hair that was out of place.

"See Aria? This is the kind of guy you should be dating. He is handsome, polite, knows where he is going in life and not to mention he will soon be protecting our town." My Mom suggests to me. In that moment I just wanted to dig a hole into the ground and bury myself in it, I had never felt so embarrassed.

"Aw Mrs Montgomery you're too kind!" Garrett smiled warmly at her and my Mom blushed, I wondered if she was sure that she didn't want to date him herself.

"I would be a very lucky guy if I ever encountered such luck" Garrett continued charmingly, our eyes locked for the briefest moment and without realizing I was smiling at his comment.

"Alright, well nice to talk to you guys, see you soon" Garrett waved us goodbye before he left.

"Aria, that boy is crushing on you so hard!" Mom said to me excitedly once Garrett had gone.

"Oh please, he will be a cop soon, don't you think having a crush is a little juvenile for him?" I brushed off the idea like it was the craziest theory ever.

"No, your mother is right he definitely likes you trust me" My dad replied.

I thought about the idea of Garrett having a crush on me for the remainder of the day and into the night. If Garrett did like me then I return the feeling, but at the same time I couldn't get how broken Jason seemed out of my head and I had no idea why.


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