Chapter Eleven

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That night I came home and went to bed early and cried myself to sleep and then I woke up the next morning feeling like I had cried all my emotions out, I definitely couldn't cry anymore. I woke up around mid-day and saw that I had two unread Facebook messages on my phone. The first was a message from Jason.

Hey, Aria, I can't apologise enough for not meeting up with you yesterday. Something cropped up and it was urgent. Can we re-schedule?

Reading that message made me so mad all over again, I bet something did crop up alright and the only thing that was urgent was his raging hormones. For a moment I considered writing him back an angry reply and then I realized what would be the point so I just deleted his message, the next message was from Garrett which was unexpected.

Aria, it was great to see you yesterday, sorry that it couldn't have been under better circumstances. This might sound a bit forward, forgive me if it does, but I would really like to take you out sometime and show you how a real man treats a woman. Let me know if you're feeling up to it, okay?

I put my phone back on my bedside table feeling a little taken aback, I was shocked that Garrett was interested in taking me out, maybe my mom was right about what she had said last summer. But I would really like to take you out sometime and show you how a real man treats a woman...I felt like that one line was a dig at Jason, I almost felt like defending Jason, but then I thought why should I? I can't wait around for a guy who is inconsistent so I am choosing the guy that is consistent.

"Oh honey you look so pretty! Didn't I tell you last summer that Garrett liked you?" My Mom said later that night excitedly once I was downstairs I was wearing a purple lace dress; I knew Ali would approve if she could see. I actually felt lethargic and not excited, but I tried to shake off that feeling, I was going to enjoy myself on this date and not think about Jason.

The doorbell rang and I almost jumped out of my skin, I suddenly felt like I couldn't go through with it and wanted to stay home, but I had to push that feeling down. Garrett looked relaxed and beautiful when I opened the door, he was dressed in a light grey tight sweater that hugged his muscular upper body, there were popper buttons along the v neckline and a few of them were undone revealing a tiny glimpse of Garrett's tanned chest. He had on light blue jeans with a pair of Vans.

"Hey Garrett how are you?" My Mom greeted him flashing him her biggest smile and flipping her hair to one side.

"Hey Mrs Montgomery I am great thanks, how are you?" Garrett stepped into the doorway and smiled.

"Oh please call me Ella! And I am good thank you!" My Mom gushed, call me Ella? Was she expecting us to get hitched anytime soon?

"Good, thank you for letting me take Aria out" Garrett replied standing next to me.

"Oh you're welcome I know she will be fine with you. Ooh can I take a picture of guys? You just look so cute together!" My Mom asked grabbing her phone.

"Mom this isn't prom" I sighed rolling my eyes. She was acting like she wanted me and Garrett to hurry up and get married already so we could create little mini Aria's and Garret's. She took a picture of us anyway and after that we went on our way.

Once we were outside Garrett opened the door to his car on my side and I had to stop to appreciate how gentleman like he was. The only two other men that open doors for me are my dad and grandfather.

"Aria, you look beautiful" Garrett smiled at me once we were in his car.

"Thank you you're sweet" I replied smiling back. I looked around and saw on the back seat that there were two large popcorns and two bottles of Pepsi from the movie theatre.

"Are we going to the movies?" I asked.

"Oh, damn, how did you guess?" Garrett smirked.

Garrett drove us to the only drive through movie theatre in our town. The top was down and the commercials were rolling. We weren't talking; we were just focused on the Herbal Essences commercial like it was the most exciting commercial we had ever seen. I suddenly felt envious of the woman in the commercial that was washing her hair in a waterfall somewhere in a tropical rainforest. I wished I could be in some tropical paradise far away from the mess that was my love life. I heard my phone vibrate in my bag; I smiled apologetically at Garrett before I retrieved my phone to see another text from Jason.

I guess you haven't responded because you're mad at me and honestly I don't blame you, Aria. But, I really need to talk to you...there is something I want to tell you. Please talk to me.

Oh, now he has decided to tell me about his relationship with Melissa? His comment made my blood want to boil and I found myself gripping the edge of the passenger seat to keep from getting angry.

"Hey, everything ok?" Garrett asked concerned touching my hand briefly. I quickly turned off my phone in a panic.

"Yeah everything is fine, it was just my Mom she just wanted to know if we arrived safely" I lied.

"Oh, okay, aren't you going to reply?" he asked looking at my phone.

"Oh...I'll do it later" I said shrugging putting the phone back into my bag.

During the movie I got cold and Garrett brought out a blanket from under his seat and put it over my lap. The blanket transported me back to a few weeks ago when Jason had done the same thing when we were sitting on the couch together. I had to blink back tears, I know he had lied to me and played me, but I missed him, I missed his face, I missed his touch, I missed his lips. I closed my eyes and literally all I saw was Jason, memories of the last few weeks came rushing back like flashbacks all at once and I had to catch my breath. A tear rolled down my cheek, I was crying over another guy while on a I was officially a train wreck. I didn't open my eyes, but pretty sure Garrett hadn't seen me cry because he hadn't tried to comfort me in any way. I lay back in my seat and focused my attention on the movie and slowly I felt my eyes drifting and then the next thing I remember was waking up to see the credits rolling. I sat up in embarrassment, I couldn't believe I had fallen asleep, I felt like this was officially the worst date ever.

I looked over to apologise to Garrett and saw that he was asleep, his mouth was hanging open and he was snoring so loudly that I was getting annoyed looks from other people.

I took in the sight before me and tried to convince myself that it was cute which it was kind of, but he wasn't like Jason who when he slept looked so beautiful and angelic. On this whole date me and Garrett just didn't click, we didn't even talk about anything! I get that might have been because we went to see a movie which means we couldn't talk all that much anyway. But, the truth was even when we did talk on the date all I kept thinking about was Jason and how I kept comparing him to Garrett. Garrett had been so sweet and caring towards me, but he just didn't give me that spark like Jason did and that scared me because maybe Jason was the only one who was capable of giving me that spark. I pulled out my phone knowing I would regret this in the morning.

If you want to talk to me, find me at school tomorrow, there are some things I want to tell you too.


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