--2-- Lucy's POV

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I woke up early in the morning, ready for the journey.

Strangely enough Natsu didn't sleep in the bed with me.

Then I've done my daily routine.

I made sure that my keys are with me and left for the station.

Looking at my ticket I noticed that it'll be a 3 hour ride.

I took out some paper and pen to continue writing my novel in peace.

3 hours later

I have arrived at the station in Pamela Town.

I took another look at the quest and searched for mayor's house.

I have spotted it around 300 meters away.

I glanced at the town's centre.

It looked so lively as if nothing ever happened.

Kids running around and women giggling.

Men selling various products at their stalls.

I smiled at the sight and then I started wondering if I somehow missed the town I'm supposed to be in.

Either way I went to the mayor draging my bag along.

On the way there I bumped into someone's muscular chest.


I said quickly looking up at the person.

He had handsome features.

Those (ec) eyes that I could just melt into.

Those (hl) (hc) hair that just made me squeal.

He wore a white cloak with the hood over his head.

He shook his head.

"No, I should be the on the be saying sorry after all I was the one who stopped walking in the middle of a road."

He said with a small apologetic smile.

VERY small one but I could see it!

I think I have a crush on him.

Mira is so going to be giving me a hard time if I tell her this.

I gave him a smile and walked away towards the mayor's house.

When I got there I knocked and I saw a suprising sight or rather heard.

The door didn't open but I heard a faint whispher.

"W-Who are y-you? W-What did you c-came here f-for?! What do you want!"

I was taken back.

"I'm from Fairy Tail. I came here because of your request."

The person opened the doors carefully.

It was a woman in her early 30s.

She had a slender figure - thin but nice *ehem* back.

Her expression was that of a animal in torture, she looked horrified.

Why was she so scared?

All people were happy, why isn't she?

"Fairy Tail?"

She asked in a happy tone.

I nodded and showed her my pink mark on my right hand.

"Mayor have been waiting for somebody to come."

She let me in and led me to the guy.

I entered a room.

The light was dim and he sat a cross the couch.

I introduced my self.

"I'm Lucy from Fairy Tail."

He looked up at me and motioned me to sit down at the couch accross him.

He explained everything.

The monster usually appears around 3pm so I still have two hours left.

I went in search of a hotel to stay at.

While looking around I heard a roar.


People were screaming and running away from the scene.

But I ran towards it.

I looked at the monster dead in the eye, holding on to my keys.

Now let's get ready to battle.

Do you guys want (yn) POV of this?

Depending on the answer I'll update!

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