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3rd POV

Erza hearing the conversation came up and looked at (Yn).

"What do you mean?"

He slight turned towards her and his handsome features made her blush, even though she is clearly in love with a certain fellow called Jellal.

"A long time ago, we were both new at the guild called Cait Shelter, she parted with Jellal and I was a young adventurer. It was about 3 months after joining that the guild was attacked. The guild that attacked was strong... really strong. Wendy was out on a mission alone, she she wasn't there when it happened. They came for me. The master did not let me leave, so the guild fought for me, but we were weaker. Even though we were, we gave them enough injuries for them to flee. But it wasn't a happy ending, the guild fought with their lives and they lost it except for the guild master and me. He used the last bit of his magic to make a mirage of them for Wendy and repaired the battle field, till she will be able to leave. After saying my last words to him he was gone. With all my injuries I made sure that they were respectfully buried not far from the guild grounds. Wendy came back after a day, unaware that my guild mark is missing and everybody's dead. She saw my battle wounds and asked what happened, I told her that I had a fight, she didn't really believe me but helped me heal anyway. The guilt was eating me out so after a few months I left and told Wendy that I'm going on a 10 year mission, she was clearly upset but I left, never saying anything about what happened."

(Yn)'s face darkened and Wendy was crying.

All were shocked at the confession.

"But I got my revenge. I trained, hard, and then tracked them down, now they are no more."

His smile almost that of a psychopath.

Nobody seemed to be fazed at his statement, after all, that what they would all do, or die trying.

Macao came up and with a war and welcoming smile, put his hand on (Yn)'s shoulder.

"You are welcome to join us, I'm pretty sure everybody will welcome you."

With that (Yn) smiled.

"I'd love to."

Everybody cheered and the party started.

But at the infirmary door stood a dazed and confused blonde that was clutching to her shirt.

The blonde that everybody loves.


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