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Then they came in she pointed at the white sheeted bed.

(Yn) layed the young woman on it.

He just stared at the bluette and said taking off his cloak.

"Haven't seen you for a long time, Wendy."


3rd Person's POV

Wendy looked back at the person, her eyes wide at the surprise.

(Yn) smiled slightly at the girl, seeing her bewildered state.

There was a moment of silence.

Suddenly they remembered the state that Lucy's in.

"Well, there's no time. Go ahead and do your thing, I'll be waiting in the main hall."

The male turned around on his heel towards the exit.

Wendy still looked at his back.

She snapped out of her trance and rushed towards Lucy.

A green light enveloped her hands.

The door closed.

On the other side (Yn) leaned against the door, but quickly got up and moved towards the hall.

At the same time
Main Hall

Everybody whispered and certain Dragon Slayers puzzled about the (hc) haired man.

They all thought the same thing.

What's this smell?

The boys couldn't recognise it.

It wasn't human like or even beast at that matter.

This was worrying them or lets say it was horrifing and alarmed them.

After all...

You reeked of Black Magic.

Another chapter done!

Sorry it's short.

Always With You  (Lucy X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now