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(Yn) ran towards the beaten woman and took her into his arms to be able to transport her.

He then noticed the marking on her right hand.

And then he remembered.

"Fairy Tail."


3rd Person's POV

(Yn) was standing there, staring at the pink guild mark.

He knew that it was a good guild and loud at that, but he couldn't help but remember his own.

He didn't want to waste time on a flashback so he just ran and got ready to sprang his wings.

The thing is that there's another stage that even the famous, Second Generation - Lightening Dragon Slayer, Laxus Dreyar would be able to do it.

It is called Revised Dragon.

It basically gives a dragon slayer, dragon characteristics using a large amount of magic.

(Yn) used half of his to create those (Fc) wings.

And right now he was holding Lucy while flying on his best speed towards Fairy Tail.

1 hour later

(Yn) noticed the looks that the town's people gave him and he wasn't bothered, he was already used to them.

Those stares of shock, admire or adore, at unknown person as he had his hood on.

Now he was in Magnolia, the home base of Fairy Tail.

He flapped his wings, his hands going sore from holding heavily chested woman and using such a great amount of magic.

She was bruised and cut all over, her clothes were torn and bettered, leaving her blue white vest at its last piece.

She was getting paler and her body temperature dropped.

This was not a good sign.

He had now in sight the guild and hurriedly landed on his feet, making his wings disappear.

He threw the door open with a big bang.

Everyone stared at (Yn) or more like Lucy.

For now it doesn't matter.

A pink haired boy broke the silence.

"Lucy? Luce!?"

He glared at the male with the hood over his face.

"Oy... What have you done to Lucy?"

The boy charged at (Yn) with his flaming fist ignoring the fact that Lucy was in his arms.

The male caught pink's hand and glared.

"I haven't done anything. I'll explain everything later on, for now heal her."

The pinkette looked at him in shock.


A blue haired girl appeared and took a quick look at blonde.

Her face went into panic.

"Let's bring her to the infirmary!"

She led the way and he went after her.

When they came in she poined at the white sheeted bed.

(Yn) layed the young woman on it.

He just stared at the bluette and said taking off his cloak.

"Haven't seen you for a long time, Wendy."

Since this is my fanfic, Wendy will be 15.

Btw, how old is she?

I forgot.

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