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3rd Person's POV

There stood a monster, about 3 meters tall.

Three eyes were placed on its deformed face.

Its body was that of a human, yet it possessed unnatural muscularity.

Its brownish hands and feet only had 4 fingers each.

Its bare chest had visible scars and it was visible that it fought many battles.

The monster possessed a huge amount of magic which anyone would be able to notice.

How come I wasn't able to sense it?

It's definitely an S-Class monster!

Wondered (Yn), unable to comprehend the situation.

Lucy and (Yn) did not know that either of them are on the scene, yet both took a fighting stance with the determination to save this town's people.

It was (Yn) who took the first strike.

'(Dt) Dragon Wing Attack!!!' was heard through out.

The beast screamed in horror as if it was tearing appart, yet there was no visible damage aside the bleeding eye.

Lucy glanced at her far right side and sees the man she met before.

Not waiting any longer, Lucy decided to summon Taurus.

Sensing the magic coming from his left, (Yn) looked at the blonde with a suprised look.

Lucy attacked yet there was no effect, not even a scream of the monster.

The beast only turned to her.

She saw that she was losing so she decided to summon Loke/Leo the Lion and Gemini the Twins.

Loke with his celestial spirit powers did some damage, but he himself was running out of magic as he used his own not to disturb Lucy's spell.

Gemini turned into Lucy's doppelganger.

They both joined hand and started to chant the spell.

Planets started ro appear around her and the last of her words were 'Urano Metoria (?)!!!'

The stars hit the enemy and it stumbled backwards, looking beat yet not going back down.

Lucy started falling, unconscious and the spirits returned to their own world.

(Yn) watching the scene was amazed by her knowledge of that magic.

He also noticed that the monster started opening its mouth.

A black beam was released from its jaw.

(Yn) knew that wouldn't be able to make it in time so he released his own.

"(Dt) Dragon Roar!!!"

He roared.

It did cancel the beam but (Yn) wasn't expecting that there was another just after the first was shot.

The girl was shot and he ran to her side with all his might.

He caught her just before she touched the ground.

It was the first time like that, that he felt this way.

Right now the only thing that mattered to him is killing the beast and of course protecting the blonde.

He put her gently on the road, not to cause anymore bruises and enraged launched at the monster.

"(Dt) Dragon Wing Attack!!!"

"(Dt) Dtagon Claw!!!"

Attacks came endesly as the flustrated dragon slayer took out his anger.

The beast had fallen and (Yn) walked over to it.

"It's over."

And with that he released his (Dt) Dragon Roar on its head to insure its death.

(Yn) ran towards the beaten woman and took her into his arms to be able to transport her.

He then noticed the marking on her right hand.

And then he remembered.

"Fairy Tail."

'Sup guys!

I might upload two or three chapter this week besides this one!

Hope you wnjoy the story!

Always With You  (Lucy X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now