--2-- (Yn)'s POV

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As none of you may know me, let me introduce myself.

I'm (Yn) (Ln), a dragon slayer raised by (Dn).

His/Her teachings allowed me to use other types of magic, but only from the same attribute I have.

My alias, The Dragon Master - as people call me, is known far and wide.

You ask why a one like that?

It was because I have defeated everything in my path, and is believed that dragons liked me and gave me their power.

That's absurd.

I also am a solo wizard, I prefer not to join a guild.

The reason is for another time.

Anyway right now I'm on my journey to comlplete a job in Pamela Town.

A monser, huh?

It is well paid so why not?

Getting out of the southern forest of Pamela, I was shocked by the sight before me, making my eyes widen.

The town was lively and lots families were out enjoing themselves.

Thanks to my cloak no one recognised me.

Thank god.

I walked over to the mayor's office and he had filled me in.

I also asked not to tell anyone that I'm doing this job.

So I went to the centre of the town.

I still stood there frozen, but suddenly a very delicate scent caught my nose.

It is coming from ahead but I can't pinpoint from who or what.

I glanced around at everyone and still nothing.

I feel a slight push on my chest.

Looking downwards I see a girl a bit shorter than me.

Her face was pushed into my chest, no wonder but she had something that I find interesting.

So it was coming from her.

She looked up.


She said so quickly that she stuttered.

I shook my head in order to show her that she didn't have to.

"No, I should be the on the be saying sorry after all I was the one who stopped walking in the middle of a road."

I said with a small apologetic smile.

She gave me a closed eye smile and walked away.

I just stood there and stared at her retreating figure.

At the pit of my stomach I could feel something.

But that something was unrecognisable to me, I never felt this way.

Either way I would be happy to see her again.

I went straight to the hotel called "Mice".

I unpacked my stuff and layed on the bed thinking of what I should do today.

Since I'm a bit lazy and tried from walking I decided to have the rest of the day off which means sleeping.

I closed my eyes and started to drift into sleep.

I didn't even bother to pull the blankets up.

Suddenly I heard a powerful roar.


I shoot up, hood falling over my head revealing a scar coming from above my eyebrow to the left eye.

I ran out of the building, looking from side to side the chaos beside me.

Running towards the center of attention I see a horrifying monster.

I took my fighting stance not noticing the girl I saw today.


Guys give me an idea of what the monster should look like!

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