Chapter 2

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Tara's POV:

Today we are visiting Harry's adorable family and I am unbelievably excited! I love the lot of them, and if it weren't for Harry's slow ass driving, we'd already be there.

It is 11am in the glorious month of October.


"We're almost there." He interrupts. "Five minutes!" He huffs.

I glance out of the window. Cheshire is really beautiful. This morning there was a beautiful deep yellow glow radiating over the town. Neither Harry nor I had always lived in the glorious city of London. Harry had been brought up in Cheshire, and I, in Guildford, Surrey. It was only after my dad's unfortunate accident that we'd been forced to move.

The trees whizz past in Harry's open top car. "I forgot how beautiful it is here!" He just smiled. I quickly undo my seatbelt and work my way up the black leather seat of his expensive convertible.

Harry looked over at me in shock. "What the hell are you doing Tar?"

"Living while I'm young!" I winked at him, sticking my tongue out.

"That is merely a statement!" He grunted. "Not advice!"

"Some role model you are!" I then sat on the head rest of my seat and raised my arms up, throwing my head back. "Good morning Cheshire! I've brought your baby home!" I shouted into the wind, allowing my hair to fly out behind me. I laughed looking at Harry.

"You're a crazy one Tar." He smirks.

"Keep your eyes on the road, Styles. I refuse to die hungry!"

Eventually we pulled into the driveway of his home. Surprisingly there were no fans there to greet us home. I'd become quite attached to some of them... It was only three seconds before Gemma rushed out and pulled me into a tight hug and held me there. "Hey there Gems..." I choked out.

"I missed you hun!" She squeaked. I looked pleadingly over to Harry, mouthing 'help me'! He laughed and shrugged at me.

"Oi, Gems! No love for your brother?" He pouted.

"Baby boy! I missed you..." She dashes over to Harry. Harry staggers back slightly with the force Gemma chucked on him.

"Tara! Hun, come on in! Harry I can't believe you haven't told her to go on in! She'll freeze!" Anne protested.

"We only just-"

"Excuses excuses. Come on in Tara!"

"He Anne! How are you?" I pull her into a hug in the doorway.

"Lovely. Absolutely lovely! And you get more beautiful every time I see you! I have a son, could I possibly set you up?" She jokes.

"Mum..." Harry whines.

"I'm not sure we're in the same league. He might have to work a bit!" I wink. Harry gapes at me, letting go of Gemma and rugby tackling me over his shoulder, carrying me into the house.

"Now miss." He begins, I still on his shoulder, pounding his back. "I think it's about time we settle the hierarchy in our relationship. Some people have begun to get a little cocky."

"I think you'll find my cock is non-existent!" I poorly joked, waving a hi to Harry's step-dad as we passed the kitchen. Harry cut me off from my wave by slapping my bum. "Harry!" I squeak.

"Right baby girl." He begins, setting me down so I straddle him on the sofa. "You my dear, are the inferior partner here." I watch Anne and Gemma settle on a sofa opposite us and open my mouth to complain.

My Bestfriend, Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now