Chapter 5

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Tara's POV:

Well this was just great.

Here I am, being chauffeured to one of the biggest nightclubs in London, about to meet apparently one of the most gorgeous guys ever, yet I can't take my mind off the fact that Taylor is sitting on Harry, eating his face off.

To be perfectly honest, it's sickly.

I huff and turn to look out the window. I can see the club in the distance, further up the road. If it weren't for what I know goes on in there it would look strangely beautiful. The paps had caught wind of our trip, and lined the walkway, the fluorescent lighting spookily illuminating them, and reflecting off their cameras. There were puddles on the road, and they further added to the London nightclub industry. Rain, Lights, Cameras, and Action.

And holy shit, I know all too well the action that takes place at nightclubs.

Slowly we pulled to a halt in front of the doorway where the Bouncers stood. The paps began to get excited, and I could see them weighing up their possibilities of us being in this car.

I was awoken from my slight trance by Harry tugging on my sleeve. He smiled quickly before stepping out the car and gesturing for us to follow. Havoc broke out. The bouncers quickly distinguished their famous guest and waded through the shoal of paps to try and help us. Taylor then stepped out, and a second wave of chaos broke the shore. After a couple of breaths to pull myself together, I, too, stepped out of the car and into Harry's protective arms.

"Are you okay?" He asked into my ear. I nodded shortly, clinging onto his shirt. The paps were awfully close. I was used to a couple at one time, or, if I was with the other boys, they'd have their bodyguards pushing them back. This time, they were everywhere. "Taylor's already gone in, I'll take you in, alright?" I nod once again and turn my head into his chest. "It's okay Tar." He murmurs into my ear, "they won't touch you. I won't allow it." I breathed in his aftershave, curling up to his familiarity. "Look at me Tar." Slowly I lifted my head to face him. "I promise, you'll be fine. Let's go in." I smiled at him, and began to walk with him. Eventually we made it to the doors of the club and I let go of him.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Anything for you Tar bear." He winked, holding the door open for me.

"Why good sir, how noble of you!" I gasped sarcastically, curtseying before striding through. I had just got through when I felt Harry pull himself to me. "Harry!" I squeal in shock. Then I felt the creation of a big slobber patch on my neck. "Harry!" I laughed, turning in his grasp. "Did you just lick me?" I giggled, looking at him in amusement.

"Yep!" He replied smugly. "And let me tell you this-" he paused dramatically for a second while I crossed my arms over my chest, pouting. "-I tasted... SARCASM!" He shouted, making a couple of people turn and face us.

"Harry!" I shouted in protest, as he buried his head into my neck, nipping and licking all of the uncovered skin. I knew the drill, and knew what I had to say.

"I won't say it Harry! I refuse!" I said adamantly. He shrugged, uncaringly and settled on a spot just above my collar bone, and began to nip and suck.

"Harry, stop! You'll mark me!" He smirked smugly against me, and continued harder.

"Harry!" I attempted to push him off me, trying to unlatch him from my neck. Let me tell you, I failed...

"Fine, fine! HarryisthebestintheworldandistheleasthonourablemanIknow!" He gave me a particularly harsh nip and I jumped in his arms.

I groaned. "HarryisthebestintheworldandthemosthonourablemanIknow!"

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