Chapter 11

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Tara's POV:

"Quick, take a picture, they're waking up!"

Who the hell would be up this early? Moaning I nudge my head deeper into Harry's chest, and in response, Harry tightens his arm around my frame to hold me to him and keep me still. Keeping my eyes closed, I take a deep breath and wait for the weird noises to stop.

"They are so damn cute." I hear someone giggle.

"They love each other right?"

"'Course they do you dim-witted banana brain."

"Why won't they just kiss then?"

"Haven't you seen them at it?"

"Well yeah of course. But not like seriously, ya know..."

"Harry just has to grow a pair. He doesn't do that with any of his other friends. His just scared to take the plunge, so accepts whatever she throws at him, and takes advantage of any opportunity."

"Those two are idiots."

I cling more tightly onto Harry. Why won't they be quiet! Can't they tell that my poor self is trying to sleep? I pull on Harry's shirt so I am completely wrapped up in him and his body, allowing my legs to entwine around Harry's so every part of us is touching. Finally, I nestle my head into the crook of his neck and squeeze my eyes shut tightly. Harry doesn't object and unconsciously begins to stroke soothing circles on my bare waist where his hand had managed to find it's way underneath my top.

I hear a chorus of aww's from the annoying voices and shuffle closer to Harry. "Harry, make it stop." I mumble quietly, kissing his throat in order to try and get a response from him.

I hear him groan quietly, muttering a few profanities under his breath and lift his head from the top of mine. "Shut the fuck up." He said gruffly before nestling back into me.

"You can hardly expect us to take you seriously Haz when you need to wake up and pack, and you haven't even opened your eyes yet!" One of the voices spoke.

"Harry..." I moan quietly, tugging once more on his shirt, trying to get his attention. Why weren't they listening to him? I want to sleep God damn it!

"Look, just a couple more minutes." He sighed, talking into my hair.

"Harry if you don't move your fat ass from that sofa this minute we'll do something to Tara."

"You wouldn't." He growls quietly, subconsciously tightening his grip around me.

"Fine, here comes the water, don't say we didn't warn you!" And in my sleep-dazed state, it seemed like less than a second from when I was roughly tugged underneath Harry's extensive frame to when the water soaked all around me. For some reason it didn't hit me... at this stage, Harry is propped above me, breathing hard into my face and I have no clue what the hell is going on. I can hear loud laughs from the other side of the room.

Blinking my eyes I looked up to meet his own dark stare. "What's wrong baby?"

He ignored the laughs and lightly pressed kisses to my forehead. "Nothing." Wait? Why were his curls wet? Curiously I rubbed the water away and off my forehead.

"Wait, why are you wet?"

"That's what he said!" I heard someone call before they broke into guffaws of laugher.

Harry shook his head smiling lightly. "You're still half-asleep babe..." he smiles. "I'm going to get Zayn to put you on a dry sofa now while I go and beat up some of the boys."

I shake my head in confusion. "What? Why? Where are you going? Stay here!" I command.

"Not now babe. I'm wet and need to go change. I'll be back in five minutes." And he pushed up away from me, gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and left.

"Come here love. I'm going to put you on a dry sofa now, ey?" I nod quietly as I feel Zayn's strong arms lift me from one sofa to another equally soft, not quite as wet but also not quite as warm sofa.

"Cold." I moaned. "I want Harry." I whined immaturely. Not particularly caring at the time how I sounded. Harry was the answer to everything. He's my hot water bottle.

"He'll be back in a minute babe. He's just changing. You need to wake up soon love. Harry's going to help you pack when he takes you back to yours. Don't tell me you've forgotten already that you're going to America with us at the weekend!" I groaned in response. "Okay, don't worry about it now. Knowing Harry, he'll probably let you sleep while he packs for you. Actually, scrap that. You probably won't end up packing at all. You'll probably both get back into bed and sleep again!" He laughs.

"Sounds about right." I mutter quietly. Personally, I can't imagine anything better at the moment.

"Second thoughts, maybe I should go back with you two to prevent any, you know, funny business..." He laughs, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up and go away." I moan. Damn does this boy not take a hint! I attempt to nuzzle further into the sofa, but the fibrous cushions are too hard, and there's no one here to snuggle with...

"Come on babe, don't fall asleep on me now." Zayn laughs again. "I'll be forced to bring the water out again..."

"Harry! Zayn won't go away!" I call childishly, praying Harry can hear me. Fortunately I hear Harry's heavy footsteps making their way down the hallway and into the sitting room.

"She won't like that." He laughs as he watches Zayn continually poke my cheeks.

"I know."

"Oooh harsh friend you've got yourself there love..." He chuckles. "However, now, scadaddle and go annoy someone else. Tara and I are busy."

"See you this evening?"

"Nah, we'll probably stay at home, but we'll see you tomorrow before we all leave for the airport. 4:30?"

"4:30. Bye mate."

"Bye. Come on Tara. I'm taking you to the car now." I hummed an acceptance, clinging onto him as he pulls me towards his warm chest, my legs delicately wrapping around his waist. God he smells good. I nuzzle closer into his warm neck, rubbing my nose against his soft skin, attempting to permanently mark on myself his musky scent that's so fitting with his looks. He lightly squeezes my waist before I feel us travelling. Blocking out any outer commotion, I focus on his neck. Lightly I give it a peck, watching curiously as his skin slightly glistens from my moist lips. I rub the moisture off using my head and breathe him in again. Cautiously, I slowly plant my lips wider on his neck and gently begin to suck. In the back of my mind I register him squeezing me tighter, and I think I can hear his breath become shallower and faster. Gently I lick a stripe up his neck and moan softly. He tastes just as good as he smells.

"You're going to have to stop that now love." I'm about to ask why when I hear the key turning in the lock. I kiss his neck softly in acceptance and settle onto him.

"Hey baby..." Someone mutters softly, pecking my forehead.

"Go away." I moan, playfully swatting whoever had dared to wake sleeping beauty, myself, from my slumber.

"Nuh uh uh." He tuts playfully, placing more kisses all over my face.

Only Harry would be so forward... "Harry, go away." I pout, only to have him quickly press his lips to mine. "Eww Harry!" I squeak, sitting upright and opening my eyes.

He shrugs carelessly. "Hey you asked for it." I begin to open my mouth in protest when Harry quickly cuts me off. "I wasn't the one pouting." He explains.

I unconsciously pout once more, quickly realising my mistake when Harry jumps on the bed to hover over me. "Harry!" I giggle, forgetting my previous argument for a moment. I shove on his chest. Rock hard. Not like I couldn't have guessed. I knew he was built. Cautiously I allow my eyes to trail greedily down his body. Gulping, I notice that his shirt hangs down off his shoulders, not done up. Holy shit I definitely should have picked up on that not so small detail earlier... More noticeable than even his pack were his beautiful v-lines.

I moan. They were delectable... Edible.

Harry curiously raises his eyebrows, lowering his eyes to see my chest begin to flush. His eyes return to mine, but this time, they're smirking. How can his eyes smirk... How can he look so fucking cocky and so gorgeous at one time?

"Do you want to tell me what your not so clean thoughts are thinking of at this moment?" He sniggers to himself.

I growl slightly, watching as Harrys eyes darken slightly, Adam's apple beginning to bob more violently. "I'll show you baby."

I shove fairly roughly on his shoulders, with enough force to push him onto the bed next to me. It hen pursue him and straddle him low down on his legs. While maintaining eye contact with his ever darkening eyes I lower my lips to his right hand v-line. Gently I run my lips and tongue up and down his lines, Harry shuddering and lifting up slightly to meet me. Suddenly I bite fairly hard on the base of his right v-line. An animalistic growl rips through Harry's mouth as his head snaps back. Lips parted, panting.

Slowly he returns to his original head position, looking down at me. "How many girls have been able to walk after you've fucked them." I grunt. "Those babies are dangerous."

Without so much as a second passing I feel Harry's hands roughly tug me up and underneath him. I now feel his warm pants caressing my colouring skin and his hardened package being pushed into my upper thigh.

"Harry..." I gasp. "Please, I want you, now!" I demand.

"Never one to refuse a lady." I think I hear him grunt, before crashing his lips to mine.

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