Chapter 9

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Tara's POV:

"Hey baby." Harry smiles at me, extending his arm so I can cling onto it if I want to.

"I don't need your help Styles." I scoff. He shrugs and turns to walk away, turning and sitting down on one of the waiting chairs in the waiting room, smirking at me. It was 6 steps away. Right, holy shit my legs feel wobbly... Pull yourself together woman! Slowly I bring one foot up and cautiously place it down in front of me. Well that wasn't so bad... I glance up and stick my tongue out at him. He raises one eyebrow.

"Not so quick baby. We don't want you to lose concentration now do we." He winked.

"Fuck off." I mutter stubbornly under my breath. What a dick.

"Language language." He tsked at me. Growling, I flick my head up and glower at him. I can see out of the corner of the room the receptionist laughing quietly and I turn and glare at her too. She doesn't stop laughing, and now openly starts to cackle and I frown at her. What is wrong with her?

"I suggest you let Harry help you." Oh, so they were on a first name basis now... I glared at her even more. She chuckles. "He won't mind about helping you take care of... your problem! I know it!" She cackled. I glanced over to Harry who was now glaring at her too, his face slowly turning a stunning beetroot colour. I also begin to chuckle, the sexual innuendos getting to me, and Harry's reaction - priceless.

"Good on you!" I laugh, saluting the lady, immediately forgetting about my balance problem. "Oh shit..." I immediately try to grab back on to the window ledge of my previous room, desperately trying to pull myself back up. Unfortunately, me being me, my world never works out like that, and I slowly feel myself topple like that damn leaning tower of piza or something... Luckily I feel Harry grab me and pull me back up into his chest. "Thanks." I muttered.

"Least I can do." Suddenly I begin to realise he's picking me up.

"Nuh uh!" I quickly grab his wrists and put them back by his side. "I never said I couldn't do this!"

"But you fell!" He protested crossly.

"Doesn't mean I can't do it." I state. Liar. I call myself out.

"Liar." He realises as well. He begins to step away and I quickly grab back onto him.

"No, no wait." I pull him back, leaning more of my weight onto him. He doesn't protest, and quickly puts his arms around my waist, gently supporting me. He smells incredible, although that clinical smell is beginning to infect him and I noticeably wrinkle my nose up in disgust. Harry apparently notices, being the God he is, and chuckles lightly to himself. Note the sarcasm.

"Want a piggy back?" He mumbles into my hair. I grin widely. Fuck I love him sometimes! As a friend... What kind of nineteen year old still goes around offering piggy backs?! It's brilliant. "I'll take that as a yes." He chortles, carefully turning around, keeping one hand on me at all times. I roll my eyes at him behind his back at his protectiveness. "No rolling eyes." He preaches. "Or sticking tongues out." He mentions as I stick my tongue out him. I begin to make hideous faces at him. "And no violence." He warns.

"Woah woah, keep up mate!" I giggle. "I've skipped that step." He gasps in sarcastic horror.

"We've skipped the violence! That means you were..."

"Yep. I went there." I said, with that finality that all speakers do.

"The pig face." He mutters solemnly. He promptly turns around and shakes my hand. "I didn't realise we had reached that stage in our relationship yet. I congratulate you."

I maintain my poker face and grab his hand, firmly shaking it. "And I too congratulate you on annoying me that much."

"Well," he continues, turning back around. "Your ride is waiting ma'am."

My Bestfriend, Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now