Chapter 2: The Trip to Gravity Falls

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3rd person POV:

The rest of the trip was dead silent as the twins decided to let the girl have her rest. "Hey Dipper, is it really a good thing to bring her to Gravity Falls? So many dangers..." Mabel asked her brother.

"She always wanted to see the place. It's the least we can do, you know?" He gave a worried smile. But in his head he really thought it wasn't a good idea. Bill could've broken free, but he wasn't sure. He began to go in deep thought as he avoided the sleeping girl next to him.

Y/n fluttered her eyes open as she saw the light. She squinted and began to look around. "Dipper? Mabel?" She said as her eyes began to adjust to the light. "Y/n? You're awake! We were so worried about you, weren't we Dipper?" Mabel asked him, but he was in deep thought. "Well, it's better to not burst his bubble." She smiled as she began scrapbooking. You'd think that she'd already stopped that phase but nah.

She looked around and saw that it was only the 3 of them -not including the bus driver- in the entire bus. Y/n grabbed her bag as she took out her phone and headphones as she began listening to (favorite Music). She nodded her head along with the music.

She began to feel cold again...

'soon my dear Y/n..."

She took off her headphones to look around and see who said that. She saw no one. "Maybe it was just my imagination." She muttered. The bus came to a stop as she looked at the door. Entered six attractive looking men along with a girl with Orange hair and pale skin. The boys looked like this:

(DISCLAIMER: I do not own Infatuation and the any of the characters in it, along with the drawing above

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(DISCLAIMER: I do not own Infatuation and the any of the characters in it, along with the drawing above. I just wanted to make a reference to something they did in the book. Go and read it, it's an amazing book and please go support the Author. ^^)

"This way, milady." The one with yellow hair said. He looked down at the h/c haired girl as he flashed her a smirk. Suddenly there was a ruckus at the back. You could only make up a few words, 'why can't I sit next to Anna?' and 'because I'm better than you' with some 'move goddammit' and some 'i wanna sit next to her, I want my museee~~'

Y/n mentally chuckled and looked forward again. Some if the boys tried to spark up some conversation, but it was quite short to be considered one. They all asked about her interests and such, but she either replied with an I don't know or an extremely boring answer.

"Gravity Falls! Anyone going down?" The driver yelled as Y/n shook Dipper and Mabel's shoulders as she ran down the aisle and jumped onto the ground.

In front of her, she saw an old looking shack with letters on top to spell mystery shack. Dipper and Mabel walked next to the girl as they began to walk towards the shack. Suddenly, a crack was heard. Y/n began to run away as the twins soon followed. The 'S' in the word 'shack' had fallen down.

"Phew..." She muttered. She walked up to the door along with Mabel and Dipper alongside her and knocked on it. Someone opened the door and it appeared to be a fairly old woman. "Abuelita! Long time no see!!" Mabel yelled as she ran and hugged her. "Hahaha, yes, yes, come in." She smiled as she let them in and closed the door right after. "Soos! You have visitors!!" Abuelita, you assumed, yelled. Suddenly a baby looking man came out of the room dressed in a suit, with a red fez and an eye patch. "Hey dudes! Long time no see! I'm aware you're staying here for the summer again?" Soos spoke.

"Yep! We're staying in the attic again. Where's gruncle Stan and Ford?" Dipper asked. "Still out on their trip. C'mon, make yourself at home!" He smiled.

"Hello, Mr. Soos. I'm Y/n, I'll be staying with these two for the summer." Y/n said. "Pleasure to meet you Y/n. I'm Soos, you already knew that." He said as he raised his eye patch. He offered his hand for you to shake as you gladly shook it. "C'mon, I've got a room for you." He brought you to a room on the first floor, it had a bed, a beautiful blue carpet, a closet, and much more for you to house your needs. "Whoops, need to get rid of that." He said as he walked over to the carpet and rolled it up. He took it out and brought in a new f/c carpet and put it down in replacement. "There we go. Have fun decorating the room as you please!" He said as he walked away.

You unpacked your stuff as you were about to head out. "YO DIPSTICK!!" You yelled. You heard a faint 'yeah!?'. "IM GONNA EXPLORE!!" You yelled again. 'ok! Don't go to the forest!' and knowing you...

You went to the forest anyway. . .

Y/n's POV:

I ran into the forest near to the shack. I mean, I know he told me not to go there but I just wanted to see something cool now. A breeze went by.


"Huh?" I spoke. I looked around to see if anyone was there. I continued to walk until I saw a stone statue in the shape of a triangle. It had an eye in the center and a bow tie. It's hand stretched out as if it wanted to shake someone hand. I examined the statue. I touched it, poked it with sticks. But the I felt the sudden urge to shake it's hand...

'take the crystal next to the statue. Place it on the hand...' I heard a voice.

I took the crystal as I looked over to the statue. I put it in the hand and I shook the hand. It moved as if it were like a humans. "Hm..." I said as I let go of the hand and let the crystal fall.

"Y/n!!!" I heard someone call. I looked at the statue, and saw it was glowing blue. But I ran back to whoever was calling my name. "Y/n!" Dipper said as he ran to me. "Dipper I'm ok..."

"I forgot to tell you something. Don't touch the statues hand." My eyes widened in surprise but Dipper was too scared to see it. "Let's get back, ok? It's late." He said as we walked back.

I looked back at the forest, a worried look on my face. What have I done...?

~| Time skip brought to you by Anime slowly killing me |~

I changed and brushed my teeth as I lied down on the bed in my room. I stared at the ceiling as I began to doze off. Everything went black.



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