Chapter 5: Accepting the Deal

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Y/n's POV:

"A Pine Tree, a Shooting Star, and a Crystal!" He exclaimed. I looked back at my mark with the mirror and saw it was 50%. Half of the mark was black. The man in gold walked to me and lifted my chin up. "Have you thought about our deal, doll? I wouldn't wanna find out what happens to your parents if you don't~" He grinned. I looked away, almost as fast as sound.

"I will NEVER accept your deal Cipher." I muttered in the harshest tone I could muster. I saw his grin turn into a scowl. "You go Y/n! You show that Isosceles triangle!" Mabel exclaimed.

"... This isn't your battle to FIGHT IN SHOOTING STAR!" He yelled at Mabel, in what seemed to be the most demonic voice I've heard in my entire life. He looked back at me. I winced at his piercing gaze towards me.

"Haha... No, I know what you're thinking. I'm not here to hurt you." I stared at him as he walked around me. He snapped his fingers as a blue flame came from it. Immediately, Mabel and Dipper fell asleep. "What did you do!?" I yelled. I felt him walk around me again. He stepped in front of me and took a look at my dreamcatcher. He broke this off and burned it with a sadistic grin.

He was taller than me, so he placed his elbow on my head and leaned on me. "Won't need that since you're gonna be getting regular visits from living nightmare, crystal. I'm not here to trick you either, toots. I'm here because I simply wanted to thank my savior." He grinned. I looked up to examine his features. He had a sharp toothy grin, and his eyes glowed a bright gold.

He had a white polo underneath his golden tailcoat. His hair on one side was golden while the other was just plain brown. He wore a black bow tie, top hat, and gloves. Along with black slacks that connect to black boots.

"I know I'm hot, but you don't need to drool." He smirked. I blushed then looked the other way, not giving in to his temptation. He just ruffled my hair and flew in front of my face. "As I've said in the letter, you originally got 48 hours. Now you have 24 hours to rethink your decision." A blue fire engulfed his hand. "Wanna make the deal now?"

I shook my head in disagreement. His hand still stayed in the same position. He clicked his tongue.

"That's alright then. Take your time! But in the meantime, I'll just wait. Anyways, can I get a goodbyes kiss before we part?" He floated next to my face. I just slapped him right in the face. "Haha! Thanks for that. Remember, I'll be waiting~~" Oh wait, don't tell me he's gonna...


I jolted up from the ground next to the bottomless pit. Next to me were the journals Mabel threw down there. "Whoa..." I said in amazement. I took the first journal and began flipping through it. No sign of Bill whatsoever.

I grabbed the 3rd journal, still nothing of use. Bill was in it, but nothing that uses my mark.

I got the next one and flipped through it. I caught sight of the one eyed triangle. I read the page. My eyes widened in surprise. "Hey Mabel, Mason, look over here." I ushered them to come forward. They just woke up from their "nap". They walked towards me and began to read aloud.

After summoning/awakening the demon from it's long rest, it will ask to make a deal. To "pay" for the things you did for it. However, if you decline, and the demon thinks you're very important or interesting, they will leave a mark. I have seen no cases of this yet, but I can surely say it's true as Bill had showed me what it does in a nightmare. The mark will have a timer, and it will count down on a minimum of 24 hours. If the deal is not accepted by then, the demon then has the right to harm or scare the people their client loves to drive the client/victim to insanity. The only way to avoid this is to accept the deal before the mark is placed, or before the deadline of accepting the deal.

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