Chapter 6: Encounters

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(EHMABACK AFTER A LONG HIATUS BB next chapter is on its way but it'll come out around may 20 to may 30 don't expect a good one xD. When I get at least 20 votes I'll start working on the next chapter. Thanks so much for the support y'all!)

3rd Person POV:

Y/n shot out of her bed, scared out of her mind. She vaguely tried to remember what had happened in her dream.

"Eyes... Triangles... Deals..." She immediately came up with the conclusion that she made a deal with the devil in her dream. She sat up on the bed and looked around. She faintly recognized the place, however her memory was faint. She could not remember. That the only words she can speak in this situation were the words "where am I?"


Mason jolted up from his bed. "Y/n!" Mason yelled, flailing his arms. "We need to find her before Bill does anything else!" He continued to yell as he got up from his bed. He hopped onto Mabel's bed and shook the sleeping girl multiple times to get her to wake up.

"Mmm... Five more minutes..." Mabel mumbled as she shuffled to face the opposite side Mason was at. He sighed as he began to conjure up a plan to wake her up. He simply got a cup of water from the bed stand, and tossed the water on her face. "Y/N!" Mabel screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Mabel, Y/n is in trouble. If we don't act soon, something bad might happen to her. She could get killed, or worse FORGET ABOUT US!!" He screamed as he started to pull his hair. "One, get your priorities straight bro-bro, Two, If we beat Bill before, we can beat him again." Mabel said happily.

"What can we do, though? He's taken a form which we haven't seen before. Plus, we're working with something new, that he's never done before and we don't have Gruncle Ford to explain it." Mason began panicking. "Look dip, the first time we beat him, we did it without Gruncle Ford. And every time we face him again, it's always something new." Mabel said as she gave a reassuring smile.

Mason calmed down a bit and took his time to inhale. "We can do this." Said Mabel. Mason was finally calm. "Ok. First we find Y/n." Mason said. "Somehow, the day has reset, and it's still the same day as before. So we should go check her room first." He said as Mabel got out of bed and began running towards the door.

Right when the twins were about to reach the door, a body immediately blocked them. The two of them fell on the ground. "Ow..." Mason muttered as he looked up. He expected it to be Bill, but instead he saw a different face. (Photo above)

"Kids, I'm afraid you're in grave danger."


"Where am I?" Y/n asked once again. She tried so hard to remember but she couldn't. She looked into the mirror to see her mark was gone. She glanced down for a second to spot a jewelry and music box labeled "for Y/n". It was in the shape of a heart.

She picked up the box and took notice of a note taped on the lock to open it.

My dearest crystal, my dearest queen,
Here is something to show you
A trinket no one else shall see
When you put this on, you will start something new

Once you feel power in your veins
You will want to party and never stop
And with me we can rule together
And the universe will be something we can pop

We shall be the most powerful beings in the world!
Two gods with unlimited power
All you have to do is Join me, dear
And this dimension will soon be ours.

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