Chapter 4: Getting Help

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3rd Person POV:


Y/n screeched out. The poor girl sat there trying to comprehend reality. "What the fuck..." She cursed. She tried to touch it but all that came out was pain. "Ah!" She yelled. She looked at the time, 12 am.

"Oh no, oh no..." She looked at it carefully. "What do I do?" She cried. As if on queue, her head began to hurt.

Accept the deal crystal

"W-what?" She held her head and began to get hazy. With the pain on her head along with the pain and blood on the mark, she couldn't take it. She grabbed a tissue and shoved it one her eye to stop the bleeding. She groaned in pain and felt herself loose consciousness.

"Y/n are you alright in there? We heard a scream." Dipper knocked on the door. Y/n jumped up. "Don't worry about it, I just had a nightmare." She said in a nervous sweat. "Do you wanna talk about it? Judging by the scream you had, that must've been a bad nightmare."

"No, I'm alright. I promise." The girl lied. "Well, if you say so. Just call us if you need anything ok?"


Then footsteps were heard going farther from the door.

She sighed and took off the tissue. She looked at the mark once more. The triangle had a cross on it. It was moving on her skin slowly as she looked at it carefully. What she noticed was the black slowly starting to eat up the mark. It was on the most left side, but it was slowly reaching to the right.

She looked around and saw a note on her table. She stood up, took the note and read it.


You might be thinking, what the heck is the black thing that's slowly consuming the mark. You have 48 hours to accept my deal, kid. If you don't, well, I wonder what happen to your dearest parents~~
See you soon, doll.

The young girls blood went cold, and her mind referred back to the dream. "I should probably sleep it off." She walked up to her bag and grabbed the dreamcatcher necklace from it. She wore it, said her prayers, and went to bed.

~|Time Skip due to me still being Undertrash a year and 4 months later|~

Y/n's POV:

I woke up, hoping for it all to be a dream. But no, no it wasn't. I looked at the mark to see that the black part of it expanded. She checked the time to see it was 8 am. 40 hours left. The black part was at least 10%.

"I have no other choice then. I have to tell Dipper." I said as I grabbed my hoodie and converse, and put them on. I shoved on a pair of sunglasses just so others can not noticing me for this odd mark on my eye, and brought a mirror so I can occasionally look at my eye. I left my room and began to find Dipper. I made sure the mark was covered. I touched it through the sunglasses then winced. The pain wasn't as bad as last night, but it still did hurt a bit. I went upstairs and knocked on the door. "Come in." I heard. I opened the door and saw Dipper on his bed, chewing his shirt.

"Dipper you didn't sleep? Where's Mabel?" I asked him. "Mabel's downstairs making her mixture of coffee and nightmares. Aka Mabel Juice." I almost gagged at the sight of me remembering. The troll hairs. The troll hairs.

"And no, I couldn't sleep. A certain demon visited me in my dreams and kept me up the rest of the night." He laughed. "I guess we have the same problem with demons, huh?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

I began to take my sunglasses off, and immediately showed him the mark. "Dipper what do I do? It hurts." Dipper looked at it in surprise, and then in anger, and then fear. But I swear he had a tinge if happiness for a split second. "You met Bill!?" He yelled out. "Why? Is that wrong? Also, more like I unwillingly met him." I said. He tried his best to hold back a scowl, but he began touching the mark. It didn't hurt.

"What did he say in your dream?" Dipper asked. "Well, all I can remember was "make that deal with me" or something like that. Then when I refused, he went all berserk and mad. Then I pinched myself to wake me up, and then when I looked over to where I pinched it, this mark was suddenly there." I explained. He examined the mark for a bit. "Darn it, I wish I had the journal."

Suddenly Mabel crashed through the door, holding 3 books that have 6 fingered hands on them. Each one labeled with a 1, 2, and 3. "HEY DIP DIP! LOOK WHAT I FOUND NEAR THE BOTTOMLESS PIT!" Mabel exclaimed giving me a heart attack.

"Y/n? What happened to your eye!?" Mabel exclaimed. I shrugged. "Mabel, give me the journals." Dipper said. Mabel was about to give it to him, but then gasped and took it back. She looked carefully at his eyes. I did too. They weren't Dippers normal eyes. They were slits.

"Sho- Mabel. Give them to me." He stood up. I was terrified. "No way you evil dorito!" She kicked him in the gut, but all he did was laugh. "Pain is hilarious!" Mabel and I began to run out the door as "Dipper" followed us.

"What happened to Dipper!?" I yelled while we were running. "The triangle on that mark of yours, it possessed Dipper! We need to get these away from him! And I know exactly where to throw them!" We ran down the stairs and ran outside I immediately caught sight of a hole. "Dipper" was right behind us. Mabel then aimed and threw the journals into the pit. "Problem solved!" She exclaimed. I looked at my mark using the mirror once more, it was going a lot faster. It was at 30% at this point.

"hahaha.... Ahahaha. Ahahahaha! AHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!" Dipper began to laugh as a yellow triangle went out of him. Dipper was about to fall down but Mabel immediately caught him. Dipper suddenly jolted awake.

"Bill what did you do with my body!?" Dipper yelled. Bill continued to laugh as he took hold of the crystal. "Remember this Y/n? The one YOU held to help summon me?" I was scared and nervous. He broke the crystal using his hand as a bright gold light shines down on the three of us as everything went grayscale. The triangle then morphed into what looked to be a man. Then all light disappeared as I saw what-- or who, was in front of me. His gold attire not failing to make him extremely recognizable. "Bill?"

"Well, well, well, welly, well, well, well. Look who we have here!"

(I'm not gonna lie, I did fangirl a bit in this chapter c:)

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