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So 😅, I got the news from Flutterbat276.

Have you ever heard of the "blue whale challenge"? It's a challenge that lasts 50 days. It's been getting around here on the Wattpad community, and as innocent as this challenge seems, it has a very bad out come.

Each day, out of the 50 days you are given, you have to do a challenge that causes self harm, or bad deeds. However, if you are able to cope with it, the worst challenge is on the last day. On that specific day, you are tasked to kill yourself. If you do not do this last challenge, they will threaten to kill your family members and/or loved ones. Though, I am not sure whether it is true or not. But it's better to be safe than sorry. So please do not do this challenge.

There are people who tell you to get an app. What this does is the people who told you to get the said app, they will hack your phone/computer, and get all your info. As well as making it impossible to delete the app.

So for anyone you know who is doing this, PLEASE TELL THEM TO ABANDON THE CHALLENGE! Nobody deserves to get hurt, or worse die. Nobody needs to get threatened. I'm worried for all of your sakes. Please do not be sad or mad that this isn't a new chapter, I am writing this for all of your sakes! So please NEVER do this challenge no matter who tells you to.

I don't wanna bear to know any of you guys have gotten hurt, and I hope that anyone who read this will not do the challenge, neither will they tell anyone to do it. Thank you so much for reading this.

If you care, please spread awareness about this, as many people might not know about this said challenge. Write it on you most popular book, or tag the people you care about. Thanks in advanced.

As for the chapter, I'm working on it. I'm currently in a place without wifi, and I'm just using my mom's personal hotspot to publish this.

Stay safe to you all!

Please be aware^^;

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