Akward ( Yamamoto Jun x Shy! Reader )

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Jun's POV

We just entered Hakusen Academy's gate when me, ryuu, and megumi accidentally bumped into a (Y/H/C) girl with (Y/E/C) and caused her to drop her books and other stuffs and being me i helped her pick up all her books and well i got curious and asked her..

So..um...w-what's your name miss?

You: (Y/L/N) (Y/F/N), and you three must be Yamamoto jun and Megumi and Tsuji Ryuu.. from the S.A .... s-sorry for bumping into you *bows 90 degrees* and thank you yamamoto-san *runs away*

Well that was akward..*sigh*

~~~~~~~~in the greenhouse~~~~

I have been so intrigued with (Y/L/N) that i couldn't get her out of my head and-

Hikari: Jun? Are you alright?

Tadashi: You have been awfully quiet today its quite odd..i thought you suddenly got the megumi disease..hahahaha

Akira: Baka.. maybe he was only thinking..

Megumi: *writes* its about that girl from this morning huh?

Hai megumi-chan..

Ryuu: Huh? The extremely shy one that apologized for something she didn't do?... well she is quite intresting.

Everyone(except kei,megumi,jun,and ryuu): A GIRL!!!

Tadashi: *Pats jun's back* good luck jun

Hikari: wow!! Jun's got a crush!!

Akira: what is her name?

I-its (Y/N)-chan.. i- we bumped into her this morning *smiles*

Kei: ah.. (Y/L/N) (Y/F/N), her family and my family are quite  close and we're also friends

Hikari: C'mon let's go get them to date each other *looks at kei with puppy eyes*

Kei: Tch, fine.. I'll tell her parents.

~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~
Kei got (Y/N)-chan's parents to allow her to go out with me and honestly i am so nervous like what if she doesn't show up or what if she doesn't want to see me or something like that.  But those thoughts all went out of the window when i saw her walking towards me in a simple (f/c) (f/d) and her looking all shy and it was cute and then i walk up to her and pulled out her chair for her like the gentleman that i am.  Then it hit me...what would i say to her

H-hi (Y-Y/N)-chan

You: Hi *looks down and avoids eye contact* um... thanks for.. um.. the d-date invite *blushes*

You're welcome.. so about this morning's incident..

You: Im sorry i was careless and clumsy..i'm so so sor-

Hey stop no..it wasn't your fault at all and im supposed to be the one to say sorry..*blushes*

You: *smiles* you look cute when you blush *covers mouth* sorry

Its alright..*smiles and blushes beet red*

Well this is going well for us..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~
After our date i made sure i brought her back to her house safe and sound.  I walked her to her front door and said goodbye but what she did shocked me.. as her small figure hugged me and she whispered..

You: Thanks for tonight Jun-kun *smiles*

And i guess this wont be the last time I'd ever take her on a date even if its was quite Akward...


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