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Preference: First date fails

Takishima Kei:
In your date it actually started off fine and a bit awkward but after a few minutes it became okay besides the fact that Kei kept on "staring" well more like glaring at the waiter the whole time. After eating Kei and you were supposed to go walk around when a hellicopter just dropped a rope ladder and a group of men dressed in black suits tied Kei up and whisked him away, dropping a note that read:
Sorry for ruining date night for you and kei.
-Ogata Aoi-

Yamamoto Jun:
The date was overall awkward and was filled with clumsy movements. He was very hesitant to holding your hand like he would stare at you a lot just to make sure you were okay with it. Bad choice though to kiss his cheek since he turned to his alter ego and he wouldn't stop hittin on you \(•^•\).

Tsuji Ryuu
Let's just say all the animals ate your food...and may have tried to scratch you \(T•T)/

Karino Tadashi
He was great til his extremely annoying side just popped out and you guys got kicked out for being noisy.

Saiga Yahiro:
He would be kind at first then suddenly become so sarcastic that you just left him in the restaurant...soaking wet...

Ogata Aoi:
He didn't show up because he forgot...and...he also kinda forgot where the place was (\•×•/)

Takishima Sui:
He was just a complete klutz since he just kept on tripping and stuttering...poor boy

Saiga Chitose:
He was just so annoying that you left him.  You didn't talk to him for a week.

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