Never Here (Ogata Aoi)

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So let's channel all the sadness author-chan has been feeling UwU
(Y/N)'s POV
He's late, again might I add. This is the third time this month. He keeps arranging dates and yet he never arrives. It's starting to annoy the heck out of me. I knew that dating him meant not seeing him often but, I thought that he'd at least make time for me but he doesn't. I just called the waitress over, who happens to be a friend of mine...
"(Y/N)-chan, he stood you up again?"
"Yes. I know he's busy but I still want to spend a bit of time with him." She nodded her head in understanding. She gave me my bill and once I paid, I left the restaurant feeling, upset, angry, annoyed and most importantly, disappointed.
I've dated Aoi since he was fifteen and I was thirteen, quite young, I know, but we've been together for four years and yet, I'm still the only one trying to make this whole thing work. I know he's trying to do his best to one day make me happy but, I don't need a lot of things, I just want to spend some time with him that's all. I arrive at my house, I know that my siblings won't bother me much, and auntie would probably be asleep by now, but before I could get inside, I saw a bouquet of daisies outside the door with a note tied to it. I picked it up and opened the door and head straight to my room, once reaching it, I sat down on my bed and read the note...
"Sorry I forgot our date. Let's meet tomorrow. -Aoi"
"Tsk, and then what he'll bail on me again? I have more pressing matters to attend to, like school and my part time job." I pulled out my phone and typed a message to Aoi saying that I'm too busy these next few days and that I couldn't make time for him in my schedule. I'll let him understand how I feel. Once done, I sent him the message and put his contact on silent and slept.
I've avoided Aoi as much as I could, ignoring his calls, texts and emails. I'm done with feeling like I'm dating a ghost, rather than a human. Although my plan of avoiding him ended when he arrived in my school, his arms crossed as he leaned on the hood of his black sedan...
"(Y/N), we have to talk." He told me.
"I have to go to work." I answered back monotonously.
"Please it is urgent. Can you get in the car?" I sighed but got in on my own, noticing the shock when I shoved the hand that was supposed to open the car for me. I knew that this would happen. Sooner or later this is where we'll end up in, so this is for the best. Aoi drove for thirty minutes only to reach the park across from the bookstore I work in...
"(Y/N), I'm so sorry I forgot our date last last week. I swore I was swamped with work and I couldn't leave it unfinished." He told me, his eyes glimmering with regret.
"This has been the third time this month, and for the last few months as well you've been ditching all our plans, the last second. It's so annoying."
"I know that's why I want to make it up to you, dinner next week?" He asked.
"No. I'm sorry but for the last four years, you've neglected me, and took me for granted, knowing that I'd forgive you over and over again." I took a deep breath knowing that my next words would sting...
"I want to break up Aoi. This doesnt feel like a relationship, it feels like I'm dating a wall or a ghost an-" he cut me off and spoke...
"I'm doing this for us one day! I want to give you a great future! Can't you see that?"
"I see that but, you don't get it! You were never here physically! I need a boyfriend not a ghost! I don't care about being rich, I just want to be with you!" I shout back. My throat feeling tight as a lump grows and as tears start to well in my eyes...
"Right, but you require so much, 'Aoi please buy this, I want it', simple my ass. You're just with me for mone,-" I slapped his face as tears streamed down my face.
"How dare you think so low of me? I hate you! I wish I never met you!" I removed the necklace that he gave me and tossed it at his feet and ran off. I called my boss saying that I need to take a day off, he agreed quickly knowing that never in my time as his employee did I take a day off. He told me to take as much as I need and to rest well. I can't believe he would say that. After everything we've been through, he thinks so lowly of me.
(Y/BF/N) was right, I don't deserve a guy like him. I don't need him in my life. I don't need a guy who looks down on me, or doesn't even care to ask how I've been or just be there when I need him. Aoi, sure was the both the best and worst thing to ever happen to me. As much as things have ended, I hope he'll realize his mistakes and never do it to another. I knew that this relationship is nothing but a sinking ship. He cares too much about his job and I care too much about school and maybe we just aren't really meant to be. I continued to wipe away my tears until I reached my home. I saw my two twin older brothers, Yuki and Jiro fixing some furnitures but stopped once they saw what I looked like...
"Little sister! What happened?" Jiro nii-san asked.
"Who did this to you? I'll kill them for you!" Yuki nii-san continued. My lips quivered as I pulled both of them close as I cried. They both started to pet my head trying to comfort me to the best that they could...
"Aoi and I broke up. I ended things with him." I spoke up after a while.
"Do you want us to hurt him?" They asked, semi serious.
"No, as much as he hurt my feelings, I don't want a fight anymore." They nodded their heads and just told me to sleep.
I wish I get to move on fast. I don't need this excess baggage weighing me down.
With that thought I drifted off into a dream less sleep. Aoi...what have you done to me?
Hi I'm back with a vengeance lol noooo but there will be a second part to this, I hope you enjoyed my comeback imagine...sorry if I'm a bit rusty now UwU.

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