Never there (Ogata Aoi)

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Part 2 of he previous imagine

Ogata's POV
It's been four months since (Y/N) broke up with me, and as much as I look perfectly fine on the outside, I feel like a total mess in the inside. I try to distract myself with work or with helping Kei just so he could be there for his girlfriend Hikari. At least he knew how to pay attention to his girlfriend, he would always put her first. No matter how busy he was, he always made sure he was there as soon as she calls for him. He's exactly how (Y/N) wanted me to be. I've been so cooped up with how I wanted to give her the best possible life when I didn't even do much to be there for her. All the plans, all the what if's and all the promises I made, gone in a blink of an eye. I wasted all my time planning for an uncertain future when I could've focused on the present, when I could've spent time with her. Four years, that's how long we've been together and now I ruined it. I type up as much reports as I could because I'm so terrified that once I stop, once my mind becomes idle, everything becomes real, I'll go home and cry all my anger, pain and regrets away. All her friends were right, I never deserved a girl like her. I stood up from my desk and I leave the room, I couldn't handle being in there any longer, so I get out to take a breather but once I do leave the room and the building, all I see are the lovely couples. Were we ever like that? Did I ever get to treat her like that? Will I ever get to treat her like that? Aoi, stop! She left and we know that she deserves more than an emotionless, and self absorbed bastard like us. She deserves someone who makes her smile, someone to hold her hand and care for her. Someone who's going to do all the things I failed to do. With those thoughts, I feel my eyes start to water, I feel the aching, gaping hole in my chest, one she left when she broke up with me. I couldn't bear the thought of hating her since she was nothing but understanding and kind, yet I took every moment I had with her for granted. I wish I didn't but I can't change the past. I began to walk but I noticed that I ended up in all the places we used to go to when we were younger and so in love. The park where we first met, the Forest trail where we went on our first date, the flower field where we first kissed and the café we first told her I loved-no, love her. I stood there longer than I normally would but seeing that café reminded me of what changed and i hate myself for it. I'm a fool to not see how much she meant to me until it was too late. I know it's a bit of a stretch but, I need to see her. I need to see for myself that she's happy. If she is, I'll leave and distance myself completely, I'll move back to Paris and live life without... without her, but if I see that there's still an inkling of hope that we could start fresh, I would come back begging for her to take me back, I would swallow my pride and get down on my knees for her to have me back in her life. Another moment without her is a stabbing pain to my heart. I love her yet I lost her, so if I could win her back, if she would take my selfish self back, it would be the greatest feeling. I ran to Books and Baked Goods, the café and book store she works in when I saw her already standing outside. She was looking at me with shock evident in her eyes as I approached her...
"Aoi..." She said breathlessly. My god I've missed her voice. I walked closer to her and I could see the dark shadows beneath her eyes and the hollowness of her cheeks...
"(Y/N)...I can't handle this. I need you back. I can't think straight, I can't do anything right when all I think about is the amount of stupid things I've said. Please take me back." I begged her.
"Aoi, you've hurt me more than any guy has ever done. I don't think I could handle that again." She told me truthfully.
"Please I could prove to you that I'm better. Just please give me another shot." I could already feel the lump in my throat growing bigger by the passing second.
"Aoi, I love you, I really do but like I've said. You were never there for me. I know how much your job means to you."
"But I'm willing to give that up if it makes you happy!" I wanted to prove her a point but as I was going to call the head of the Takishima Group of companies, she held my hand and spoke...
"It may make me happy but it won't make you happy. As much as I want to get back with you, our relationship is toxic. We need to figure ourselves out before we do this."
"I need you in my life (Y/N), every plan I made with you in mind." I admitted as tears fell down my face.
"I know but if you look at it closely, most of them were for you, you only justified them by saying it was for me. Aoi, I'm setting you free. Live your life." She told me. She held my face in her hands and I closed my eyes, savoring the warmth of her skin, as she slowly pulled away and permanently be apart from me. As I slowly realized that what we had was gone, I too chose to start over then maybe one day, we'll be together.

Four years later...

I was walking down the streets of Florence, Italy, I was on vacation since I realized that (Y/N) was right, I do love my job but she was also right that I needed to find a balance. I thought about how she would've loved to be here when I suddenly bumped Into someone. I looked down only to see the girl I loved-no, the girl I will always love, (Y/N)...
"Its nice to see you again."
"You too."

Maybe this is the chance fate is giving me.

I am so sorry if this seems crappy or if it's kind of sad, I'm just upset too and it reflects in my writing but that's no excuse message me on who do you want next here are your options:

-Takishima, Sui
-Saiga, Yahiro
-Saiga, Choose


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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