They Found Us

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Cassandra's POV

I shivered.
"What was that?" I asked.
"I don't know, this is a private property and people are not allowed to come here. Quick, go get dressed, we'll find out." he replied.

After putting our cloths on, he hold me behind him and walked out of the house, we stood on the front porch and paced around, slowly.

Just when Marcus was about to call out if anyone's here, several guns are cocked, the noises from the bushes petrified us, and we started backing up.

Marcus turned his head a little bit sideways and whispered "It's the FBI, they've found us." he gulped.

"Do not move!" a voice came out from the other bushes. And we started running toward the fields, the bullets were fired, chasing us, everything are destroyed behind us. I started to cry.

"Don't cry, keep running, I'll be right back... " Marcus panted.

I looked back and saw him running back to the house, saw the men in black and bullet proof vests, moving into the house with their guns searching for other people.

"NO DON'T GO MARCUS! PLEASE!" my voice were blended with shock and fear, the fear of losing him.

My eyes the shifted to the armed men, 2 of them are coming toward me, they pointed their guns at me, standing at the edge of the empty field.

"Lady, you have to stop running or else we will have to shoot you as well" another voice called out from behind.

But instead I ran faster, the gunshots followed and I started to ran in zigzag patterns to avoid the bullets.

I finally reached the end of the empty field, entering the dark forests, I felt much safer, I slowed down my pace, turning my head back I saw the most horrifying scene.

The house was being burned down, the two men were returning to the group and they all tilted their heads up to watch the building, being turned down by the flames.

I covered my mouth, I whimpered. "... Oh... Marcus..." my whole body was weakened. I fell in my knees and stared at the flaming fire. I wanted to scream but I can't, I had just lost the only person that cares for me.

My tears are falling and there's cuts on my bare feet, I looked around me, everything is dark and blurry from the tears. I stood up and begin to run again, but this time I wasn't running away from death but to run away from everything.

With my head still turned back, I accidentally tripped and twisted my left ankle, I curled up, the pain was excruciating but it wasn't enough to make me cry more. I did not give up, I started to crawl on my hands and knees deeper into the forest without any reasons.

Just then, two bloody hands attacked me from behind and covered my mouth, it picked me up while I kicked and grappled for an escape of his grasps.

"Calm down, it's me, Marcus!" he whisper-shouted.

And I did not believe the words I'm hearing, I kept my eyes closed, crying even louder. And he pressed me toward the forest ground and shook my shoulders.

I opened my eyes, looking at an angel, Marcus.

I reached out my hand and touched his cheek, bleeding from cuts, and he smiled. From that, every muscle in my body are loosened, it was the happiest moment in my life.

"We better get going" he held out his hand and pulled me up to my feet. But I fell down from the pain in my ankle.

"Are you hurt, Cassy?"

I nodded yes.

He put me on his back and retrieved a big red bag near by us.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Clothes, food, water, and a tent." he replied.

A warm rush flood within me and I had made my choice, I will stay with him forever.

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