Chapter 4: Who's B.O.T?

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Ever since Roby got me a satellite, I have been using it everywhere. It's been easier to gain legal information to download, and I'm pretty sure I've gotten everything we need for the video. However, there was something that I felt that was missing.

As I was typing down the script for myself, my satellite caught this signal of a message. I checked the email, and it was sent by someone by the user B.O.T. I clicked on it, thinking it was someone from my class, but all these images popped up. 

The invaded my screen like crazy as I tried to organize them. They were of these strange pictures that were similar to the art in the museum, but there were more... organisms. This one image showed of two organisms, male and female, with the same, silky-like material on their head, and it was the color of black. 

Something that was a bit warming about it was the male organism putting his arm around the female. The female seemed to be embarrassed by this action, and it made me a laugh a little. I then began to get files on Roby, and I instantly got out of it. Why was I thinking this? Get it out of your head, Android.

I get that Roby and I have known each other since creation, but in all seriousness, why me? While the files began to fade away, I got a call from my teacher. I answered it, and she began to ask me the most strangest question.

"Android, have you been looking through any illegal downloads for the project?" she asked a bit skeptical and nervous.

"No, Ms. Abion," I replied. "Why are you asking? Was someone caught doing so?"

"N-n-no!" she said while laughing ruefully. "I-i-it's just a precaution is all. Well, thank you. I'm going to... ask the others about this problem. Have good day!"

The call ended on that note.

I immediately got another email from B.O.T. once more. This one was just text and no words. 

This is  just a hint of what the true past was like.

What was this? Was this some kind of malware that I accidentally downloaded from that website that was blocked from me? I decided that I needed some time to cool off and to close my research files to just relax outside. 

I walked to the Cosmic Park. For transformers and UFOs, it was simple to get up, but for normal robots like me, we needed to walk up this flight of ten thousand steps! Although it was overheating, it was so worth it. Why? The view of the purple and blue sky with the stars was just worth your time.

As I was getting to the end of the enormous stairway, Saucers were flying everywhere, and a few bumped into me. They said sorry in the process, and I just said it was alright. Same old, same old. The sky was beautiful. The stars glittered white against the magenta and violet skies of space. I honestly wanted to fly high in the air like Roby could and just be free. I didn't even care if I had a fear of heights.

Speaking of which, I was just receiving a call from him.

"Hey Andy," he said as if I were talking to him face-to-face. "What's up?"

"Is there a reason why you're calling me right now?" I asked smiling.

"Is there a reason why you're here at the Cosmic Park?"

He then shouted behind me, and I screamed from the jump scare. I turned around, and my friend was laughing while I was trying to cool of my systems. I growled at him.

"Why do you always do that whenever I don't know you're near me?" I asked while aggravated out of my mind.

"I just like to tease you," he replied while smirking. "Besides, I thought that you'd be working on the script, not all the way up here."

"Do I not look like have my own life outside of a classroom?"

"By the way you talk about school, it doesn't seem like it."

"Shut up!"

We began to walk and talk around the large park as comets scratched through the sky. 

"Actually," Roby then spoke as I was speaking of the odd emails I was getting. "I just recently recorded this footage of this odd sighting I found."

"What was it?" I asked.

He got his tablet out and played what he was recording for the past few hours. He skipped ahead to a time after he was talking about his daily life, and what he paused at made me shocked. There was this figure that looked like the same female in the pictures I was sent. I showed them to Roby, and he began to compare the two organisms. 

"What the?" he said shocked. "What is going on here?" 

I didn't know the answer to that question. Suddenly, this hologram of Sir CPU came up on the hologram screen. 

My fellow friends and citizens of Mechtropolis, he spoke, I regret to inform you, but I have recently been told that someone has been sending illegal files of strange images online. This person is still unknown to us, and we are trying our best to figure out whom they might be. Thank you for listening to this short notice.

"Roby," I said. "There's something... weird going on about this."

"Got what I'm thinking?"


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