Chapter 11: Robotic Prisons

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We hid within the shadows of the large building. I'm still trying to comprehend what Bryar was saying about the plan. What was it?

The "employees only" door apparently had a secret code. If you just walked in, you would see the normal room, but if you tapped it three times and whistled, then it would open to this strange area. I didn't know what a whistle was, and Bryar only said that Roby, Ms. Abino, Sir CPU, and I could do this action. Well, humans could, too, but obviously there aren't any here right now.

It was suppose to come to me, but I had no clue of what that meant.

Android, Bryar spoke from my satellite. Are you by the entrance?

"Yes," I whispered. "Where are you and Ms. Abino?"

We're scouting the area for security guards. Don't worry. Just go, and you'll be fine.

"You sure?"

Just listen to what I have to say.

I took that like a smack in the face to wake up, and I slowly made my way to the huge doors. They were still all grand with everything, but it looked more ominous than special anymore. It was slowly starting to be the last place I wished to be right now.

Suddenly, I heard talking coming from my left. If that was a security guard, then I don't have much time. I quickly entered the museum and closed the door behind me softly. I listened to the other side as the guards just walked by without noticing me.

Good, Bryar's voice came again. Seems that your sneaking ability still works fine.

"Okay," I replied. "Now what?"

Just go to the "employees only" door, knock three times, and whistle. Remember, it'll come to you.

"What if it doesn't work after that?"

Can you not listen the first time? Just do it.

She's just being rude now. Anyways, I still stayed in the darkness as I easily passed by the other security guards without making a sound. I took a look at my meter, and it showed high levels of stress. I breathed in to cool off and creeped on by.

I made it to the employees only door, and I tapped on it three times. Suddenly, this odd sound came from my voice enhancer. It was high pitched and sounded like the wind through some of the cracks of walls. I opened the door, and I was introduced to this strange place.

These large tubes full of this green liquid were holding these robots. They seemed dormant. They all had these wires attached to their hatches, and it made me shiver. Who were these robots? 

I looked at the signs that were placed on the bottom of each tube. I realized they all went in an age order. However, each time I looked at them, I began to scan them.

Gigi Bite: 

Age: 24

Condition: Dormant

Profession: Archaeologist.

Background: At the age of 22, Gigi was arrested for finding an odd artifact. This led to many questions, and Sir CPU has been keeping her here since that day.

I kept on scanning random people.

P.C. Mechtron:

Age: 18

Condition: Dormant

Profession: Student.

Background: P.C. was doing a project for his class. He was arrested for downloading illegal files form his tablet and storing odd emails from the government. Many rebellions with P.C's family began on fixing files downloading processes, and Sir CPU has been working on trying to find those who have illegal downloads.

They all kept going on in this strange diversity. Kids, adults, even elder robots were kept here. But one particular robot caught my attention the most.

Tabi von Mech:

Age: 597

Condition: Dormant

Profession: Pollution Information Gatherer.

Background: Being one of the first robots, Tabi is the sibling of Roboto von Mech. Tabi was never introduced to Roboto due to technical difficulties, but the scientists were hoping to introduce them. She isn't counted of one of the first four robots ever created, but some scientists do count her as a fifth one and are thinking of giving her the title of one of the first five, instead.

"I see you have made yourself comfortable here," a low voice spoke. "Android Tech."

I turned around to face Sir CPU. He was a towering figure with the stare that could make any robot shut down. He was an odd robot, and I knew that I wasn't going anywhere with this. 

"Such a shame. You look like you want to leave. I was going to tell you about these little tubes. You see, we can't have these robots knowing of.... the true past."

"What is that suppose to mean?" I asked. "Why are these innocent robots in such environments?"

"Oh, haven't you scanned them?"


"What do their backgrounds say about them? Arrested for... finding some artifacts, illegal downloading, all the bad things to our society."

"What is so bad about knowing of the past? It's gone forever."

"Ah, it is all but that. You see, Android, your creator- Bryar Oaka Tech- wanted you to clean up after all the humans. She and some others were planning on shutting down all robots that weren't properly working, so I came in and destroyed them all. However, it seems that B.O.T. managed to get away."

"But what about Roby's sister?!" I blurted. "She never got to meet her brother! She never got to meet his mom- her mom! And you took it all away because why? She was one of the first robots!"

"One of the first robots that didn't have her hard drives replace," he snapped. "And now, all of your files shall be deleted. That is, after a little.... show."

"What show?" I asked.

"Silver, bring out.... Roboto."

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