Chapter 13: Coming Back

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I opened my lenses to a bright light. I blocked my vision, and I noticed my screen was cracked. I sighed but didn't bother to complain. I sat up and noticed I was in the lab Bryar showed me yesterday- or was it later than that?

I clapped my hands together, and the lights flickered on. Before I could do anything else, my vision focused on the robot that was lying on the table on the far end of the room.


I gasped as Ms. Abino came into the room. She held a few wires in her hand, and they were vital to robotic function. I looked at my teacher's facial expression, and it was grim and saddened. I felt myself about to break down.

I walked up to her, and she glanced between Roby and the wires. 

"T-t-these are... Roby's... aren't they?" I asked. "He's..."

"Andy..." she whispered. "I... B.O.T. and I-"

"It was her fault! If it wasn't for me and Roby not listening to her stupid plans, we wouldn't be in this mess! If I wasn't so interested in the history of our planet, then-"

She then gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry... Andy. We tried everything. We made him transform manually, tested his database... there was nothing we could do."

"He's... he shut down, didn't he?"

She said nothing. I felt myself become shattered. Everything that I did seemed like it was worthless now. This was all to do what? To find something valuable hidden within our history? I don't care if I'm one of the first robots; I don't care if I'm wanted by Sir CPU; I don't care about anything.

I looked back at Roby. His hatch was half exposed and broken bolts, screws, and wires were jumbled around. His lenses were back in place, but the thought of them being out broke me. I walked over and shut my lenses tight. I didn't know what to do anymore. I felt empty and like nothing mattered.

"Can I get some time alone, please?" I asked.

I could feel the silence rise in the air. The only thing I could hear was my monitor beeping, and it wasn't nice to hear it anymore. I listened to Ms Abino's footsteps exiting the room as I was left. 

I opened my eyes to my damaged friend. Was this how Bryar felt when Devin died? Did she not want to continue? I bet she wanted to give up, yet here she was. She was solving everything to history that was hidden to all us robots. 

What was I doing? I was going back and forth between things and ideas. This isn't normal, Andy. You should- you know what... just shut up, mind.

I lowered to Roby's level and placed my voice enhancer to his forehead. I felt this shock, but I didn't mind. All I knew now was that he was gone. I turned away from him but caught one last look at his dead self. 

Feeling this horrid atmosphere, I made my way to leave, and I noticed my hand got caught by something. I tried snatching it back, but it didn't budge. I looked towards it. By all of my life, I never thought I could be as shocked as I was right now.

I was looking at Roby waking up.

"R-R-Roby?" I breathed. "Y-you're okay... you're okay!"

"What?" he said as his blinking beeped normally. "Thought I'd go that easily?"

I touched his face to make sure if it was real, and the look he was giving me was the same old smirking face. I sighed and hugged him. I buried my face in his shoulder as I felt this wave of... something nice overwhelm me. I felt Roby pat my back as we pulled back.

"H-how did you..." I didn't know what to say.

"The shock," he answered. "While I was being held hostage, I overheard Sir CPU and Silver talking. The two were saying because of our systems being wired in an opposite way, our different charges can save each other from shutting down. It becomes complicated from there, so I couldn't keep up."

I laughed. 

"Can you see okay?"

"I can only see you right now," he teased while smirking.

I rolled my eyes. We hugged again as I heard someone entering the door.

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