Chapter 5: "Meet Me"

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Roby and I decided to sort of spy on Sir CPU's bots. Roby pretended to be recording for class, and I was just someone who did research on certain aspects. More and more messages came from Sir CPU, and they all said the same thing. 

Today, we encourage you to not take notice of the different things in life because we found something very strange in the artifacts.

That wasn't what they really were saying, yet it always played in my files that way. The messages were always about the fact that we should forget about the new founding done by the archaeologists, and Sir CPU was even thinking about taking down the career path in general! He was basically trying to hide something that is right under our noses.

That's what me and Roby were all about.

"You aren't getting too stressed over this, are you?" I asked as I noticed his pressure meter go up and down slowly.

"I'm fine, Andy," he replied while we were walking to the museum. "All I can think of right now is what's going on. I'm sure you are, too. Unless for some reason you're still thinking about your grade."

"In a way, yes."

"Really? You're thinking of your grades at this point in time?"

"Our teacher will notice if my grade drops lower than it usually does. She'll know something is going on."

"Seeing how she called you about downloading illegal files, it makes me wonder if she's in on something. I mean, what teacher goes to only one student on that matter? She doesn't have a tracker on us."

"No, but the government does."

Roby stopped mid-way and looked to me like a light bulb lit up in his head. I looked at his pressure meter, and it was almost at its highest measurement. I breathed in and tried to calm down as I listened to what he had to say. Though, I think I had the same idea as he did.

"Are you saying that our teacher, a simple school teacher, is on some sort of government plan?" he whispered.

"Think about it though," I answered. "I have jumbles of images pop into my head like the Matrix hack affect, and it normally signals the information is illegal. If Sir CPU was speaking to me oddly about history, and he's telling us to forget about it, it makes sense. He's not saying this himself, so his reputation doesn't look bad."

"But why our teacher?"

"She's the closest person to us, besides each other. Plus, she was possibly threatened. The way she sounded on that call was like she was scared."

Just then, these men were taking the artifact of the female out of the grand doors. They were hauling it over their shoulders, and it seemed to be pretty heavy. They were really taking away something from history? What was this?

"Excuse me," I said to one of the robots. "But, why are you two taking this away?"

"By the orders of Sir CPU," he said grumpily. "It don't make much sense, I know."

He then shoved past me. I let out a frustrated breath as they took away the beauty of the history of our people. It made me angry to extent I never thought I could exceed. I was steaming off again, and I felt Roby's hand go on my shoulder. I electrocuted him with a painful shock, and he quickly took it back.

"I get your mad, Android," he said while rubbing his hand. "But-"

"I am not just mad, Roby!" I snapped and turned to face him. "I am literally jammed in some sort of circuit, and I can't get out of it!"

I gave him a deadly glare, and he blinked with shock. I realized what I was doing and quickly looked away. Stupid Android! You just got mad at Roby again. He probably thinks of you as the most annoying person ever. 

Instead of doing what I thought he'd do, he took my chin and made me look at him.

"I... I am... so sorry," I said softly

"Andy..." he replied. "As much as you get angry at me, I won't ever become mad at you. I know how much this means to you, and if you can't handle something that's going on, and you take your anger on me, I won't be bothered."

"But I... I make you go close to malfunctioning, Roby," I sighed. "Why do you even talk to me if I am a danger to you?"

"Because you are the only person that I can trust without saying that I have a problem and making it seem like I'm... something else."

My eyes widened when I heard his words. Was he saying I was the only person that treated him good? Did everyone think of him as a messed up robot and nothing else? I then noticed how close we were, and I backed away slightly. 

"We need to know what's going on," I said while clearing my vocals. "Maybe we can get information from somewhere else."

"But from where?"

As if on queue, all these images and messages were pooping up in my system and files. This time, I quickly organized everything by the titles: Background, Scenes, and Theories. My space then became full, and it was starting to transfer onto my tablet. I showed Roby everything that was going on, and I'm pretty sure we got everything we needed for this.

Especially with one of the emails saying "Meet Me at Cosmic Park by Midnight."

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