Chapters 1+2

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Chapter 1

Kimberley's POV:

I stared silently around the tour bus, everyone was sleeping, well apart from me. Sarah was spread eagled across the small mattress, with her upper body hanging from the compartment, causing her to nearly fall every time there was a small bump on the road. Nadine was laying on her side, surrounded by the many gift bags and planning folders that she had bought with her. Nicola was laying flat on her back, with her duvet wrapped tightly around her. And Cheryl. Well she looked perfect, curled up in a small ball with one of her teddy bears clasped to her chest. I smiled at her soft snores, chuckling as she murmured something. A strong jolt on the road caused Sarah to fall to the ground with a thud.
“OW!” she yelled loudly, clutching her head, I jumped up, running over to her and helping her up.
“Are you okay Sarah?” I asked, the concern clear in my voice. I held her face in my hands, looking at the small bruise starting to form on her forehead.
“Well that will be some more work for the make-up artist won't it?” I chuckled. She glared at me, before giggling.
“How long have you been awake Kim?” She asked, her eyes drooping as she sat back down on her bed.
“I haven't been to sleep yet,” I replied, rubbing my forehead lightly. I yawned lightly, “But I think I might go to bed now.” I added, with a soft smile. She nodded as she layed back down and closed her eyes, barely murmuring a sleepy 'Goodnight' before she became unconscious once more. I smiled at her, before turning around and being greeted by dark brown eyes, I smiled.
“Hey,” I whispered making my way over to her, “Did we wake you up?” I sat down next to her, sinking into the softness of the mattress.
“No,” she yawned, rubbing her eyes, “You didn't, Sarah did. Man her head must be hard if it makes that much noise.” I chuckled, staring at her adorable expression.
“Yeah. That bruise is gonna kill in the morning.” I smirked, taking Cheryl's hand in mine and subconsciously drawing circles on her palm. Cheryl smiled softly, her eyes sparkling in the little light that seeped through the curtains.  She pulled me into a hug, setting my whole being on fire. Her hands drew shapes on my back as she rested her face in the crook of my neck. I smiled, leaning into the hug, snuggling closer than I ever thought possible. I shivered when I felt her warm breath cascading over my shoulder and down my back. I kissed her softly on the cheek as I pulled back.
“Go back to sleep babe.” I whispered, not wanting my voice to spoil the complete serenity  of the moment. She smiled and nodded, barely holding in a yawn. I kissed her on the forehead, my lips tingled as they came into contact with her flesh. I slowly  got up, and made my way over to my bed. I pulled back the duvet and climbed in, snuggling into it's warmth. I pulled a pillow into my arms and held it tightly to me, praying that in my dreams it would be replaced with the petite figure of Cheryl.

Chapter 2

Cheryl's POV:

I sat in the darkness and stared at Kim, I smiled. Her sleeping face was almost as beautiful as when she was awake. I giggled at the famous pout that still adorned her lips. I debated in my mind whether to go over there, and risk waking her up. I rubbed my head, trying to rub the thoughts and images of possible scenarios from my brain. Me kissing her, her kissing me, us having hot sex in the compact space of the bathroom. Mm, Good thoughts! A second scenario ran through my head, this one not as great. Me kissing Kim, her waking up, her slapping me so hard my face nearly falls off, her ignoring me, our friendship broken, the end of Girls Aloud. I shook my head, now determined not to go over there. I sat back against the wall, my head nearly hitting the ceiling as I tried to get comfortable. I pulled out my phone, and stared at the numbers, 4:57am. I groaned, well that rules sleep out. I lay down and pulled the duvet over my head, enjoying the last 3 minutes of serenity before everyone's alarms were set to go off. 3.....2.....1!
RING! RING! RING! Or in Sarah's case: GET THE HELL UP! I laughed as I rose from the duvet, giggling more as I took in the still sleeping form of the short haired blonde. By this time the other 3 girls were awake and were staring at me. Kim was smiling knowingly, giving me a small wink and a nod as I jumped from my bed and padded over to her bed. I put my mouth closed to her ear, and screamed “SARAH!!! GET YOUR LAZY A$$ OUT OF BED RIGHT NOW!” She sprung up quickly, hitting her head on the ceiling as she did so.
“Fcuking hell! Now there's more for the make up artist to cover up!” she groaned rubbing her head and wincing at the new pain. I laughed at her, clutching my sides helplessly. Kim smiled at me and giggled. Nadine and Nicola just shook there heads, with small smiles stretched over their lips, obviously trying to hold back the laughter. I tried and failed to stop laughing, staring at Kim who had now dissolved into a fit of giggles. I staggered over to her, gasping for breath and slung my arm around her shoulders. She smiled, wrapping both arms around my waist as she eventually stopped giggling. It was just us up here. The other's had gone down to the lower part of the bus to get dressed and have breakfast. Kim pulled me into a tight hug, immediately making me stop laughing and cuddle into her shoulder. Her breathing was faster than normal, almost as if she was enjoying the touch of my skin way more than she should...almost exactly how much I was enjoying hers.  Stop it Cheryl! Stop thinking about her! She doesn't love you! She has a boyfriend! I chanted to myself in my head,  I pulled back reluctantly, and stared at her. She raised a hand and brushed a few strands of hair from my face, I could feel myself leaning in, powerless to her beautiful gaze. She leaned in, our lips just millimetres away, almost touching.
“CHERYL! KIMBERLEY! WE'RE HERE!” Nadine shouted, causing us to pull back quickly.
Man, you gotta love Nadine!

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