Chapters 1+2+3

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Chapter 1

Kimberley's POV:

“Kimberley Jane Walsh, would you do me the honour of marrying me?” Cheryl asks, her voice soft and delicate, in danger of breaking any second. I stare deep into her eyes, the rich chocolate brown colour sparkling with love and dedicated passion. I smile as the first tears begin to fall, leaving salty trails as the cascade down my blushing cheeks. It takes me a few everlasting seconds to realise I haven't answered her question. I walk towards her, my feet seemingly stuck in slow motion as I can't quite reach her fast enough. I stop in front of her, swaying slightly on the spot. I raise the microphone to my lips, trying desperately to still my shaking hands.

“Cheryl...” I croak, my voice hoarse, “Yes, I will marry you..” Her face cracks into a breath-taking smile, tears welling in her eyes as she slips the ring onto my finger. I pull her from the floor, taking her shaking body into my arms with ease. My lips quickly find hers, meeting in a tender, loving kiss. The sudden uproar from the crowd forces us to part, the applause almost deafening as we turn to face them. I catch Nadine's tear filled eyes as she, and the other girls, run over to us. The pull us into a bone-crushing hug, making it near impossible to breathe. Cheryl takes my hand, when they finally release us, she brings it to her lips, kissing my palm sweetly. I'm so lost in Cheryl's touch that, I don't hear Nadine addressing the over excited crowd. I don't hear the screaming fans as we walk off stage, hand in hand. I don't feel the arms wrapping around my neck, as the management team congratulate us. I just smile, lost in pure Cheryl. After what seems like hours, they leave and we're left alone in the small, compact space of our dressing room. Cheryl's lips are on mine almost instantly, kissing me with raw, undiluted passion. I pull away breathless, leaning my sticky forehead lightly against hers.

“I love you Cheryl...” I whisper, trying hard to catch my breath. She smiles, that secret smile that sets my heart racing.

“I love you too extremely beautiful, sexy, amazing fiancée..” She says, her voice cracking with emotion. I smile, pulling her into a simple hug. I rest my head softly on her shoulder, burying my face in the crook of her neck.

“I like the sound of that..” I whisper, nibbling on the tender skin of her neck, “I like that a lot..”

Chapter 2

Cheryl's POV:

I hold my head straight as the hairdresser inserts another clip, holding my hair up. She reaches for the hairspray, my own face adorning it. I blush as she begins to cover my hair, smiling at me in the mirror. Sarah enters the room, followed by Nicola, both of them now changed into their dresses. Sarah's is a pale blue colour, coming to rest in line with her knees. Nicola's is full length, the peachy tone matching her pale skin perfectly. "Nadine's just called me, her and Kimberley are nearly ready, they've just got to get dressed." I nod, butterflies fluttering in my stomach at the mere mention of Kimberley's name. The hairdresser announces she's finished, leaving me free to change into my own dress. I look over at it, hanging up with the plastic cover protecting it from dirt. I stand up as Nicola sees the hairdresser out, making my way over to the dress. Sarah smiles at me as I pick it up, removing the cover.


Sarah takes my hand as we approach the church, spotting the paparazzi. I sigh loudly as Nicola speaks. "It's OK Cheryl, it's only some pictures." I nod, my nerves building as we get nearer. The car pulls up outside and we get out, flashes everywhere. I'm bustled inside by my band mates, straightening my veil and sorting out the skirt of my dress. Once I'm done Sarah gives a nod, signalling for the wedding to start. Kimberley appears with her dad, her beautiful eyes meeting mine before she turns to walk up the aisle ahead of me. My own dad takes my arm as I follow my fiancée. We reach the altar and I stand next to her, my heart racing as I glance at her. She smiles at me and slips her hand in mine. Our eyes never break contact as we say our vows, exchanging rings. The vicar tells everyone we're officially married as her soft lips meet mine, removing my nerves.

Chapter 3

Kimberley's POV:

We walk proudly down the aisle, hands clasped as we hurry towards the waiting crowd. The cameras start flashing wildly, each of them desperately trying to get that perfect shot of us.  I turn to Cheryl, taking her quickly into my arms and kissing her. She wraps her arms tenderly around my neck, pulling her lips away from mine as a car pulls up amidst the mob. I smile, my eyes gleaming with tears, as we run towards the car, ducking low to avoid the confetti, thrown by various people lost in the ever growing crowd. I open the white door, grinning softly as Cheryl climbs in. I slide in beside her, pulling in my dress so the door could be shut. Cheryl places her lips against mine in a brief but tender kiss, the soft hum of the engine and shallow breathing the only things to be heard. I wrap my arms around her, clasping her to my satin covered chest. She smiles brightly, leaning up to place a chaste kiss on my cheek.

“You look amazing Cheryl..So beautiful..” I murmur, my lips pressing against her ear. I place a lingering kiss against the lobe to which she giggles.

“So do you my gorgeous wife..” She says, her eyes shining. I sigh happily.

“Say the last part again..” I mumble, leaning in towards her lips.

“My wife..” She barely finishes as I claim her lips, swiping over them hungrily with my tongue. We kiss rapidly, desperately trying to pull each other closer. The driver clears his throat, his eyes apologetic as he mumbles something that sounds like 'Good Luck'


“Congratulations guys!” Sarah slurs from across the table, clutching a glass of champagne firmly in each hand. Cheryl nods her appreciation from her place in my lap. I kiss her lovingly on her cheek, causing a few 'awws' to sound around the table. Cheryl stands up suddenly, holding out a hand for me to take. I stare at it suspiciously, raising an eyebrow.

“Don't I get a first dance with my amazing wife?” She asks, blushing softly under the flashing lights. Seconds later we're in each other's arms, swaying along to a cheesy love song. She stares up into my eyes, as I brush away a stray piece of hair from her eyes.

“Are you surprised we ended up here?” She asks, her gorgeous brown eyes flooding with unending emotion.

“No..”I answer quickly, “I've always loved you..” She smiles, her lips stretching into a breath-taking grin.

“I love you Kim..” She whispers, as she claims my lips.

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