Chapter 4 - First Day of School

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AN- Pick any unifrom you like from the picture above🔝🔝🔝

{Third Person POV}
Its been 2 years since (Y/N) met the brothers, and the brothers had developed a strange feelings for the young girl.
It was the first night kindergarten for (Y/N) and she couldn't wait. She was excited meet other children, and have new friends.

{(Y/N)'s POV}
I felt someone shaking me as I was sleeping.

"(Y/N)-chan wake up."

I groan and sat up as I rubbed my eyes. Subaru was looking at me then shook his head.

"Here, hurry and get dressed." He jerked his hand at me, holding a pile of clothes, while looking away.I took the pile and he disappeared. I got out of bed and change into the uniform. It was a different than the one that the brothers wore, but it was suitable.
I went down to the entrance room and that's were I met the rest of the brothers. They all greeted me and we all went in the limousine.

I was sitting between Ayato and Laito, and Reiji was telling what to do and what not to do. The car came to a stop.

"That's your stop (Y/N)-chan~." Said Laito.
"See ya (Y/N)-chan!" Ayato said.

"Yes, please don't get yourself in trouble." Reiji said. They all waved bye. I got off and I entered the gates of the school.

As I enter there was a boy wearing the same uniform but for boys, he had grey hair and dark eye almost black. Our eyes locked, I pink tin started to form on his face as I looked away brushing it off.

Then a lady walked over to me as bent at me level.
"You must be (Y/N)?" She asks.



Aww well aren't you adorable, I'm Miss.Suzuki. I'm going to be your teacher." She says.

I just nod my head.

"Come on class is starting."

She took my hand as we walked in the classroom. We entered the classroom and I saw all of the different kids like me.

"Alright class we have a new student here, now won't you introduce yourself to the class."

I nod my head. "H-hi I'm S-sakamaki (Y-Y/N), it's nice to meet you all!" I bowed my head. I heard the teacher chukel from behind.
"What a nice introduction (Y/N), why don't you sit next to Kosuke. She points at the boy from earlier. He look at me then looks away. 'Why does he do that?'

I walked over to my assign seat. "Okay class partner up." Everyone stands up and goes with their friends and Kosuke just sits there looking at the window. 'Does he not have a friend?'
"Oh look Kosuke, looks like you finally have a partner!" The teacher push me closer to him.

"Ok now that everyone has a partner you and your partner are going to make a poster together I'll be passing out the supplies." Everyone starts talking.

"Umm... so what your idea for the poster?" I asked.

No answer

'I have decided that you'll be my first friend, and I won't give up!' Then I noticed that he started to draw. 'Whats he drawing?' I looked over his shoulder while not thinking, just curiosity roaming in my mind.

{Kosuke's POV}

The (e/c) eyed girl look over my shoulder which kinda made me uncomfortable, no one has ever been this close to me. Let alone a girl. I'm usually the outcast, alway alone in lunchtime. Everyone spreads lies about me and call me ghost boy. I've tried making friends, but they always pick on me.

When I first saw this girl I thought she was kinda kawaii, but she'll be like everyone else, once people start telling her the lies. Then it's back to being a loner, the ghost boy.

"Ooo, you draw really good!"

'Really?! I don't think I'm that good.'

"Your probably good as DaVinci!" I looked at her as she smile, it was the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. 'Could she be a real friend?'

{Timeskip to lunchtime}

{(Y/N)'s POV}

I was looking for someone to sit with then I saw Kosuke sitting alone eating a bag of chips. 'Maybe I'll share my lunch with him.' I walked over to him and sat next to him.

"Why are you eating a bag of chips, I'm pretty sure that's not good for you." He lazily looked at me which reminded me of Shu.

"Here you could grab some of my lunch." I smiled. He hesitatily looked at me.

"Go on I don't mind." He grabbed a bit of my rice. "Uh? Is that all you want? You could get more." I looked at him with wide eyes. Then he got a bit more and mumbled something.

"Huh, what did you say?" I questioned.

" I said Arigatou, baka." Then he flick my forehead.

"Owi why chu did that?!?" I questioned.

"For not listening the first time, what are you deaf or something?" He snickers.

"...!" I stayed slient surprised at what he said. I continue to eat my lunch.


Then he stood up, looking down, with his bangs covering he's eyes.

"(Y/N)-chan!" He stated.

I jumped of the sudden action.

"Y-yes?" I swallowed.

"Will you be my f-friend?" He studder.

'He wants to be friends?!?' I thought.

"I would like that!" I answered with a huge smile on my face. Look notice my smile then he started to smile, while rubbing the back of his neck.

'I made my first friend!'

End of chapter

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