Chapter 13 - Recovery (Republish)

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A/N~ okay so I had to republish this chapter Because when I first published it, it did not publish the whole story..... So without further a do here the whole Chapter. Enjoy!

(Third person POV)
Everyone all watched as the (h/c) haired closed her eyes and lost her balance. While saying those final words, "Tadamia".

But she didn't hit the ground, no, a certain white head took her in his arms as everyone gathered around.

Droplets of crimson liquid, stained the carpet floor. He had noticed the glass shard impaled at her side. The red liquid started to stain his hands, as he tried not to sink his fangs into her body.

"She's injured, she's losing too much blood!" Subaru shouted.

(Time skip from all the medical junk)

(Y/N) was taken to her room as everyone was gathered around her.

They all stared at her fragile body, covered in bandages.

"Is she going to die?" Kanato spoke up.

"Of course not, (Y/N) isn't allowed to die." Laito said.

"Shouldn't we have taken her to the hospital?" Yui question.

"(Y/N) would of died from the loss of blood, by the time we get there. As long as the bleeding stops she's stable. I'll call in a doctor tomorrow morning." Reiji explain.

"I don't get it what could've happened to her." Ayato said.

"I bet it was that bastard, that she was with, he did this to her!" Subaru clenched his fist making his knuckles white.

"That could be, but still we must wait until (Y/N)'s recovery. Once she wakes up she'll tell us what happened." Reiji says.

"Karlhienz, mustn't find out about this either. He's gonna take (Y/N) away again if he finds out." Subaru says.

"Thats right, what are we gonna do about that?" Ayato question.

"I don't think he's going to be the problem.... All we need to worry about is (Y/N)'s recovery." Shu steps in. Everyone looks at him them back at (Y/N).

(Time Skip)

(Y/N's POV)

I woke up due to this awful pain at my my side, my vision was blurry.

"Ah you finally awaken!" said a white figure.

"My my, such a trouble maker." said a purple one.

"What happen?! W-where am I?! Who-" I cut myself short as my vision become clear.

It was those women that I've been seeing.

'Could this be another dream or a hallucination?'

"Please don't push yourself, you must recover!" says the woman in white.

"who are you people, and what do you want from me?!" I say irritated.

"Relax, we come in peace." says the one who I believe her name is Cordelia.

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