Chapter 6 - Back Home?

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A/N~ Pretend that's you in the picture above, I felt it really fit the story🔝🔝🔝

[Twelve years later]

{Third person POV}
This scenery felt all too familiar, to the grown (Y/N). The trees, the sky, the road, but where was she headed?

Back to the the sakamaki brothers.

The limousine stoped, she got out with her luggage in hand. She stared at the mansion, as a soft breeze flew through her silky locks as the limousine drove off into the distance.

This was once her home.

{(Y/N)'s POV}

I clenched tightly on the yin yang necklace around my neck, I took a deep breath to try to calm myself.

'Why do I feel so tense? Their probably nice people, so there's nothing to worry about.'

I walked up to the door, and knocked.



I was greeted by by a girl my age with platinum blond hair and sherbet pink eyes.

"Hello." She smiled, "I didn't know we where having a guest."

'I didn't know there was a girl here, I was told that the brothers live alone.'

"Is this the sakamaki residents?" I asked unsure if I was at the right place.

"Yes, it is. And who you might be?" She questioned.


"Chichinashi! What's taking so long?!" I was cut off by shout, which somehow sounded familiar.

"Chichin--" A red haired boy came in and once he saw me he was left speechless.

"W-who is this? You know your not allowed to have friends!" He then blurted out.

"She isn't a friend. She's..." the girl looked at me to continue her sentence.

"I'm S-sakamaki (Y-Y/N) I was send here by the man named Karlhienz, I was told to stay here!" I bowed.

{Ayato's POV}

It can't really be her... can it?

Does she even remember me.... us?

"Whats going on down here?" Reiji soon steps in the room, shocked as his eyes laid on (Y/N).

"(Y/N)..." Subaru gasped as the rest of us came down.
The (e/c) colored girl look at us with a dumbfound face.

(Yui's POV)

How did Subaru knew her name?! My blood corse through my veins as a wave of fustration came over me, I feel weird not having to attention on me.

"Oh my, oh my..." I looked over Laito as he liked his lip like as if he found his prey.

(Y/N's POV)

The atmosphere felt really uncomfortable as all eyes were on me, but a nostalgic feeling swept over me as I studied the male's face, as if I knew who they where by heart.

Soon the awkward silence stopped with the man with glasses cleared his throat.

"If you'll excuse me I have to find out what's going on, one of you escort our guests to her room." He said as he left the room.

Again silence

Soon the blonde, blue eyes male came up to me a took my luggage and began to walk away with it, I soon got the message and started to follow him.

As we walked I had a sense of deja vue, like I've lived this moment before.

"Whats your name?" I asked breaking the silence between us.

"S-shu." He answers with hesitate in his voice.

"Shu that's a nice name." I smiled. "I'm (Y/N). I hope we can get along well."

"Mm..." he answers.

Then I noticed his earphone, 'wonder what's he listening to?'
Shu then came to a stop and looked at me,"We're here."
I nod and open the door, everything was so familiar, but why. I don't remember ever coming here, then why do I feel this way.

"Are you okay?"shu questions with worry written on his handsome features.

"Yes, I'm fine... thank you." I smiled.
I could of sworn there was a hint of pink on his before he disappeared.

(Reiji's POV)

I searched for the unopened letter from my farther, which I had on intention on opening it.
Once I found it, I ripped it open and began to scan it.

Dear sons,
I send you this to notify you in (Y/N)'s arrival, it's finally time for her to chose her groom. On her 18th birthday is the deadline. Please, and I can't get any clearer than this, do not drink her blood. That's why you have that livestock, Yui. I in trust you with my little princess.
Sincerely Karlhienz.

"Damn it Reiji, you couldn't have opened this sooner!" I hear Subaru's voice from behind.

I fix my glasses as I face my brothers, knowing they all read the letter.

"I didn't think it was going to be be an thing important like this." I state.

"Whatever." Subaru scoffs.

"Calm down you two, this should be a time of celebration, now that (Y/N)- chan is back." Laito says.

"Oh shut it Laito! Are you forgetting that (Y/N) has to fall for one of us, and that's going to be me!" Ayato boasted.

"How do you know it's not going to be me?" Kanato rebutted.

"Oh shut it! Your all full of yourselves." I snapped back.

"You guys are forgetting that's it's (Y/N)'s choice not ours. We can't force her to fall for us." Shu said

(Third person POV)

Everyone stayed quite, and shocked at Shu's words. Does shu really believe in this or just saying that to get the brothers to back off, and get her all to himself.

A/n~ Ooo smexy vampires fighting over you. Who will you choose to marry? ^~^

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