Chapter 23 - Mother!

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(Y/N's POV)

I felt something tugging at my feet pulling me underwater, frantic, I looked for the pink haired female see her gone only to be replaced be Beatrix and Christa smiling at me. Once again being pulled, I looked down only to see Cordelia pulling me. Trying to drag me down with her. I looked back the two female for help and both Christa and Beatrix lifted their hand and motioned downwards and like that Cordelia was gone.

I then find myself in a different place. It was peaceful, and bright. I took a few steps only to be stepping on clear glass water. Looking down I saw my reflection, still nude. But that was the least of my concerns. I want to get back home.

I was scared, confused, but all I wanted to do is get back home, with the brothers. I held my chest picturing their smiles. A tear left my eye as I quickly wipe it away.

'This isn't a time for tears.'

Suddenly light started to illuminate from the water, I shut my eye due to the brightness.

"(Y/N)...", I heard a female voice say my name, and I opened my eyes only to find and woman standing before me. She was the same woman from earlier, whom a guess was be my mother.

"Who are you? What going on? Please help me get ho-"

"Hush my princess... let me just see you one more time before I was to send you on your way again...", the woman looked down and played with something in her hands.

"Are you my mother?" I finally ask the aching question.

She froze, shocked at my question, then smiled warmly. That's when I realized that was my answer.

'That woman is my mother.'

"I know this is overwhelming for you, my child, but please understand the circumstances we are in." She began to walk close to me.

"I didn't was to leave you with them, but your cruel father insisted, the day we left you was only for merely a few weeks. But weeks turned into months and those months became into years..." the woman— my mother— began to tear up. She came forth and pulled me into a strong embrace, crying on my shoulder.

"I didn't want to leave you, I even wrote you letters, once you father passed I decided to look for you but they sent to away... far away...", her grip tighten, as if she was holding for dear life.

"... but even thought they took you away from me it was for the best... I couldn't given you half the things the Sakamakis gave you. I failed you as a mother...", she continued on sobbing into my chest. As I receive the newly found information of my pass, a tightening feeling began to weld up.

I felt wetness on my cheek, I was crying too.

"All my life... I thought that I didn't have parents, he always told me that he found me and that he 'saved' me... never in my life I've ever thought of my parents..." I spoke, shaking and hold on my newly found mother. The guilt in my stomach grew as fresh tears escaped my eyes.

"I should've went and looked for you, mother. I should've question him more, but instead I stayed put, doing god knows what, and causing you great pain. I'm sorry... I failed you as a daughter... please forgive me!" I didn't held it in longer and spoke my feelings and sobbed into my mother's chest, embracing her tighter.

"It's okay darling. We found each other now." I felt her caress my hair, this was the motherly touch that I've always dreamt of having. I balled my eyes out even more, but not of sadness, but of joy. Finally having a mother.

She cupped my face and gently pulled us apart, as we faced each other teary eyed.

"I love you, my daughter." She leaned in and kissed my cheek as I felt her armed around my neck. Confused, I felt a sudden weight on my chest, I looked down and find the yin yang setting prominently on my chest. It started to glow.

I looked up at my mother smiling warmly, she was fading off...

"Mother?!" I spoke out reaching out for her only for her to fade into thin air.

My heart broke. I was left alone once again. The tear showed up once again as I sob my heart out constantly calling out for my mother.

Instantaneously the necklace shines bright and I was enveloped in to brightness.


Blurriness, was all I can see.

"She's waking up!? (Y/N) IS WAKING UP!!!" An all too familiar voice was heard.

"Kosuke?" I question, my vision finally cleared and I was greeted by and crying Kosuke.

"(Y/N), yes it's me! I'm here!" The grip on my hand tightens.

The door opens and there stood Yui once her eyes met mines so ran towards me and hugged me as she started to cry as well.

"Oh, (Y/N) I'm so happy to see you, I'm so so so sorry. I'm such a horrible person, I've cause to so much pain for my childish jealously! I'll fully accept my punishment!" She sobs and hugs me closer.

"Hehe it's okay Yui, don't be too hard on yourself." I smiled and returned the affection.

"Hey what's all the taking for I'm trying to sleep— (Y/N)?!" Ayato comes in and gasp as he pushes Yui away from me and envelops me in a tight embrace.

"You don't know how much I missed you..." he nuzzles himself in the crook of my neck and hold on to him too no let wanting to let go.

(Yui's POV)

When Ayato push me away I looked at Kosuke.

'I totally forgot about him, if Ayato sees him we're both dead..!'

Assuming that Ayato hasn't noticed Kosuke yet I single Kosuke to follow me out. He nods in agreement and we both leave the room and out of the mansion.

"Thanks Yui for helping me. You're not that bad of a person." Kosuke smiles at me and walks off.

I was left there, flushed face and heart beating rapidly. I finally confessed to myself.

'I'm in love with Kosuke...' I smile to myself, of the thought of him and I being together.


(Y/N's POV)

All of the brothers came and greeted me with long embraces and kisses on the cheek from Laito. I felt warm and happy. To finally be at home with them.

"From now on (Y/N) needs to escorted and supervise at all times, we don't want something like this to never happen again." Reiji justifies as he pushes up his glasses, making him look superior.

"I volunteer to be with her 24/7!!" The triplets all day in unison, followed by, "HEY!", as they all glare at each other.

"We're all going to have a chance to be with (Y/N). We'll sort out our schedules and figure that out later, but first we must let (Y/N) rest." Shu speaks surprising everyone, but me . I smile at him as he returns the gesture.

(Third person POV)

The brothers reluctantly leave your room, know that Shu's words had a point. With everything that's happen they'd understand that you would be emotionally and mentally exhausted.

You where left alone, you took everything all at once, damn did it feel to be home. Your smile soon turned into a frown as the only and last memory of your mother flashed in your mind.

You sniffed as tears started to flow down your face.

"I never got to say I love you back.."

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