//James Kidd\\ |~5~|

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               After logging out of the Animus you were glad to get home. Yes, you were pretty pissed about the predicament you were in at work. But, you couldn't help to be intrigued by the man who threw you over his shoulder and carried you off to his ship. 

Snap out of it, [Your Name]! He has got to be a pirate! And what the hell is a Templar?!

When you got to your apartment you dashed to your room and grabbed the new computer your job provided just in case you wanted to work from home. So you decided to do a little digging and probably find a way to get back at him.


After about forty-five minutes of research, you got up from the computer and headed to your kitchen. You went into the fridge and grabbed some [Your Favorite Fruit] before heading back into the room. You sat back at the computer and logged into and got to work.


You groaned feeling the sun shining in your eyes.

  Great, I was asleep? So, since I left at night I think I can only leave if I'm sleeping. So I'm going to have to do this right...

You placed your hand in front of your face to block the incoming rays but it couldn't block the hustle and bustle that was happening above. The yelling, singing, and the dreaded sound of those damned footsteps made your headache even worse! You groaned out before getting up and start to walk around. You heard something dragging across the floor. You turned around and then cursed that damn bastard ever being born! He chained you to the wall so you couldn't even make it to the door! So instead you looked around the room. You saw a broken down bed and one window. You walked over to the window while dragging the chain behind you. You pulled yourself up a bit to see outside and you then let out a little squeak.

We're at sea!? So much for me getting out of here!

You thought to yourself before going back to where you were in the first place. You flopped down on the floor and stayed silent. You closed your eyes and leaned your head against the wall. Soon after you heard the door open and the clank of keys bother you knowing it was probably him.

"Get up, now." He said. You kept your eyes closed and stayed still not wanting to be bothered. You breathed out and opened your eyes and glared at him.

"What do you want?" You growled under your breath before looking back over to the window.

"I want you to get up off o' your arse." He replied cooly looking at you. You rolled your eyes before picking up your shackles.

"Get me out of these things and 'I can get up off o' me arse.'" You said mimicking his accent. He scoffed before throwing you the keys.

"There are so many! How am I suppose to know which one is the right one?!" You hissed at his walking gawking at the keys.

"I guess you'll be here 'til ya get it right." He said before laughing. You groaned out of frustration and started to try the keys. He stood there just chuckling and shaking his head while he watched you struggling with the keys.

"Oh, you think this is funny?!" You snarled while glaring daggers at him.

"Aye, you're quite an amusin' one, lass." You rolled your eyes at his comment before chucking the keys back at him.

"Get me out of these damn things right now!"


You were mopping while the hot sun was beating down on your skin. You groaned out before throwing the mop on the ground. You walked over to the side of the ship. You leaned over the railing and looked down at the water seeing fishes and all other types of sea creatures swimming around. You sighed before letting a slight smile snake its way to your face.

"You should smile more, you frown too much for a pretty lass like yourself." You jumped slightly before looking at him. God, why can I never hear him when he is walking around?!

"Is that your sad attempt of flirting, Kidd?" You said looking back at the water not wanting to pay attention. He chuckled.

"So I be a 'kid' now, huh?" He said mimicking your accent.

"Well, you call me 'lass' so much I just suppose that I call you something as well considering I don't know your name." That was a bold lie considering you did a bit of research before you came back here. You mentally cursed yourself for slipping up, next time you should be more careful when you're speaking to him.

"James, me name be James Kidd, lass." You rolled your eyes becoming annoyed with him. You turned around and sat on the railing.

"Do me a huge favor and start to speak proper English." You said to him trying to get under

"Wha' do ya mean by proper English? Yo mean speak like ya?" He said placing his hands on the railings. You rolled your eyes for about the 50th time today.

"For the love of G-!" You failed your arms around feeling yourself falling backward. You shrieked before you felt two hands on your waist. Kidd pulled you off of the railing and close to him. You looked up at him and he smirked at you. You felt the blood rush up to your cheeks while you blinked a few times, allowing you to take in what just happened.

He saved me....

"You're welcome, lass." 

Well, at least he attempted to speak proper English. 

You thought to yourself. You reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek to say your thanks before you excused yourself to your quarters.


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