|Jacob Frye|//Modern AU\\~11~

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"Da, this is about the seventh time we have ran around here! Could we please go home?" You said while the fatigue started to set in. He chuckled before shaking his head,"No."

"Why not?"

"'Cause I said so."

"' 'Cause I said so'? That is such a preposterous answer, Da! Could we please go home!!!" You countered back at him before he smiled. "Okay, how about this, if and only if you can beat me home we won't have to run another lap."

"You're on." You said before dashing down the street and cutting into the nearest alleyway. You jumped over a couple of fences graceful before landing on your two feet before you started to run again. You smiled knowing that your dad was most likely eating your dust by now. But it didn't last for long when you stopped and notice your dad was arguing with a man and they were going back and forth. You sighed before shaking your head and walking over to them.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen! There is no need to argue, it's such a lovely day." You said with a sarcastic undertone. You then stepped in between the two of them making in noticed that if the other man wanted to have a fight he could.

"Piss off, little girl." That struck a nerve, you then clenched your fist and went at it. He hissed under his breath after you hit him and you didn't stop. When he finally was laying on the ground, groaning, you grabbed your dad's hand before the two of you ran back over to your house.


"Did you ever stop messing around with the Blighter's, Jacob?!" You hissed at your boyfriend in an pissed of fashion.

"Why? Have you been worrying about me, [Your Name]?" He asked with a sarcastic undertone which caused you to pick up a pillow off of his bed and whack him with it.

"What the bloody h-!" You whacked him again cutting him off before he finally grabbed your arm and tossed the pillow to the other side of the room. He then pinned you down onto the bed and glared at you.

"Are you done acting like a child?" He asked before raising an eyebrow. You scoffed out an 'unbelievable' before you got out from under him.

"I'm not the one acting like a bloody child, Jacob! Get your head out of your ass because you fucking around with the other gangs in this city is putting me and my dad in danger. Stay away from me." You growled at him before he got off of his bed and grabbed your arm roughly pulling you back to him.

"What are you saying, [Your Name]?" He said hopping that you weren't saying what he was thinking.

"You know exactly, what I'm saying, Jacob. Have a nice life. " You snatched your arm out of his grasp before you exited his room and then his house.

He cursed at himself before tugging at his hair and falling back onto his bed.


While walking home you pulled your hood over your head after you placed your one of your headphones in your ear while you furiously wiped your face. You sighed before you placed your hands on your face trying to slow down your heart beat. You almost did that until you felt someone grab your arm and pull you towards him.

You turned around shocked to see a man with a bandana covering half of his face.

You struggled and did everything in your power to try and get away from him, "Jack! Let me go!" You hissed before shoved him and managed to ran off, but sadly, he grabbed you by your hair and pulled you towards him while you yelled out in pain, "Did you think that you were going to get away that easily, did you [Your Name]?" You yelled again begging for someone or anyone to help you. "Stop your damn begging, Frye. It won't help." He growled at you before he started to pull you deeper into the dark night.


And should I keep making these one shots for you guys 'cause no one is requesting! I need inspiration!!

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