|Ezio Auditore| [[#27]]

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Request: Hey there! I thought that since everyone is pitching in with the requests, I could do it too. Can you make an Ezio x reader one-shot, where the reader is the leader of the Spanish Brotherhood, and Ezio falls deeply in love with her because of her skills, determination, and overall Mediterranean beauty? Set in AC: Brotherhood. :D

"Alexandro." You spoke up while looking at your close friend and adviser, "Si, [Your Name]," He replied while he leaned off of the boat's railing.

"Why didn't we just send some our own assassin's to come to Rome? I understand that our brothers are in need of aid, but I'm needed running the brotherhood back at home." You asked as you stared at the approaching port. Your body ached from how horrible you slept and as well your longing to go back home. But, you pushed it aside since you had to complete your duties.

"Why waste the precious lives of inexperienced assassins rather than have a small elite group of five? You're just upset that you are accompanying your lover at home." He stated rather bluntly. You rolled your eyes and sighed, "Eso no es cierto y lo sabes, Alex," You mumbled under your breath, in fact, you were rather annoyed with the fact that you had to leave your homeland to deal with Templars, very powerful ones at that. No of the less, you were determined to stop out the issue alongside your brethren and then return home.

[Translation: That's not true and you know it, Alex.]

He chuckled slightly before the two of you paid attention to the upcoming port. You looked over your shoulder to be glad to be met with the three other assassins you and Alexandro were traveling with. "Ven, debe haber alguien esperando para escoltarnos." You directed the three of them to follow you before all five of you made your way off of the boat. You couldn't help but smile at how beautiful Rome was, "Was that a smile, [Your Name]?" Alex asked coyly, you scoffed before you pushed him playfully.

[Translation: Come, There should be someone waiting to escort us.]

"Hush. Don't make me remind why I'm ranked higher than you." You joked with him, causing him to chuckle. You both straighten your face once you noticed a young man in a hood approaching you all. He spoke quickly and unevenly, he fumbled over his words as he tried to speak in Spanish which made you smile. You place your hand in front of you, causing him to halt his speaking before you motioned for him to lead the way. One he finally got what you were trying to say, he escorted the five of you where you needed to go.


Once you made it to where you needed to go, you were looking around curiously, dragging your fingers along the walls. With a mix of boredom and curiosity, your eyes carefully scanned the walls, it interested you to see what the Italians had to hide. Some of the words were Italian of course, but as you walked, they became easier to understand since they were writing in Latin. You stopped in front of one, reading it, your hood was still placed on your head, shielding your identity from anyone who passed by you.

"Perché fuori non state preparando con tutte le altre donne?" You rose an eyebrow, the words sounded like gibberish to you.

[Translation: Why aren't you out training with all the other women? ]

You turned around and folded your arms over your chest as you eyed the man before you. You pressed your lips into a thin line before you turned your back to him and began to walk off. You didn't see the reason to speak with a man you didn't understand, so you decided to avoid a headache. Once you made it back to where the others were, you removed the hood and looked to Alexandro, " Any sign of him yet?" you asked and he was about to respond but he was cut off by another man speaking in his place. All five stared at him blankly, not understanding what he said, you looked at Alex once again before he shrugged, " We don't speak Italian, sir." Alex said, giving an explanation as to why you were staring at him in such an odd way. But for you, you were staring at him since you had just seen him moments before. His eyes lingered on you for a moment too long before you cleared your throat, "I'm [Your Name] [Last Name], you must be Ezio Auditore, correct?" You asked as you stepped forward. He seemed somewhat taken aback at what you said, "Yes, I am, You are the Master Assassin in Spain?" He asked curiously, a small smile appeared on your lips before you nodded your head 'yes', "Yes, I am. Did you expect to see a short white-haired man instead of a young woman, señor?" You asked as you folded your arms over your chest which caused him to chuckle, "No, not at all. I'm delighted to meet you. I've heard of your work, and it's impressive as to how fast you've gained rank in your brotherhood." You smiled brightly at him. For once, you were met by a man who didn't question your capability. "And the same to you, Mr. Auditore. I feel like we will get along quite nicely."You said with a smile on your lips, he laughed softly before you patted his chest, you began to walk off before he softly placed his hand on your shoulder, you looked up at him before you rose an eyebrow at him, "Would you like me to escort you and your group to your rooms?" He asked you sighed before you thought about it, a slight smirk playing on your lips, "An assassin such as yourself is much to busy to show us around," You reached up before pressing a kiss to his cheek, "Thank you for your offer though." You said before you motioned for the four other assassins to follow you.

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~~+~+~+~+~A five months later+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~

You sat quietly in your room, reading a book, or at least trying to, you had gone through all of your other books and know you were stuck reading books in Italian, all it did was made your head spin rather than relax you. You sighed before you sat the book down and rubbed your temples. You crawled off of your bed before you placed the book on your nightstand, you grabbed your candle before you blew it out and set it back down, you slipped on your slippers and something to cover your shoulders. You slowly stalked over to your room door before you opened it, stepped outside and closed it behind you. You made your way down the hallway until you were in the main room. You scanned the room before your own [Eye Color Orbs] meet a familiar pair of brown orbs. You smiled before you spoke, "What are you doing up so late? I heard that old men need all of the sleep that they can get." You joked before he rolled his eyes. Ezio turned his attention back to his work. You walked over to him before you wrapped your arms around his waist as you sighed, "You need sleep, Ezio, Come on before I force you to come with you." You mumbled as you pressed a kiss to his back. He sighed, "And who are you to command me around, Ms. [Last Name]," He asked as he looked at you, he pressed a kiss to your forehead before you chuckled, "A woman who you've laid with on many occasions, so I have a say so on what you do. And right now, you need sleep. Come." You said as you grabbed his hands and tugged him along with you. You dragged him to his room before you helped him to bed, you pressed a kiss to his lips before you yelped when you felt him pull you into bed with him, "I can't sleep without you, so don't leave, please." He said before both you and him yawned and eventually fell asleep.

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