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As I hold Bernard's tablet in my hands, I think: this is my epitome, this is my future. The file enclosed within the instrument I hold possesses a thorough account of who I am, what I am, and what my... alterations are. This is the key to unlocking the confinement around me.

At last, I can be free.

Free of doubt, free of burden, free of the chains holding me back from my potential. I will become the Red Hand's weapon, and I will take it as a forefront duty. We will end this with a dead president: we will ascend to a better world, one free of Diana Malcolm and the indoctrinated shells of people who live to obey her.

She is a mortal, not a god, as much as she might dislike to hear it. I can still put a bullet in her head and make every function stop working, her heard stop beating. This is how things are done on earth.

I die, therefore I was;  I kill, therefore I am. To kill is to liberate: to kill is to live.

The file is a cluster of dense information, and I barely know where to start.

From the beginning, then.

The whole of it is a dynamic masterpiece; from the way it's designed to entertain, its organisation, the careful crafting that has gone behind it... Video clips flash in repeating cycles in the corners, there are tabs along the sides. It's beautiful, a work of art. It's me.

1. homeostatic thermoregulation

2. lowering of core body temperature

3. increase in rate of metabolic pathways to...

My thoughts trail off as I read the list of my manipulated self. I have a body temperature of 28 degrees Celsius, some of my bones are encased in a gold-titanium alloy; I have around ten times the average number of neural pathways than a normal human being has. I am a machine of my own; the brilliant gone so far that it has turned upon its creator.

There are things in this file that I would not have even thought were possible.

"Julian," I call, as I switch off the tablet.

Julian appears near-immediately. "Uh huh?"

"I need to start my training," I say. "Look at all of this. I'm dying to try some out; Julian, I have the potential to do great and terrible things- and mind you, one great thing will be to kick Malcolm off her altar."

Julian snorts. "Yeah? So, what am I supposed to do? Stand around like your own punching bag to you can beat me to a pulp? No thanks."

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